The patron profile form in the Koha Staff Client and the OPAC allows for considerable detail to be recorded about library users.
Some of this such as Date of Birth and Gender is irrelevant to most libraries and makes the form more complicated and distracting than it needs to be.
These fields can be selectively hidden in both the Staff Client and the OPAC if they are not used by your library. Follow these simple steps:
To hide the DOB and gender fields in the OPAC:
o Go to System Preferences in the Staff Client
o Search for opacusercss
o Edit the opacusercss and add the following lines:
#dobhidden {display:none;}
#genderhidden {display:none;}
o Click the Save all preferences button
To hide the DOB and gender fields in the Staff Client patron profile
o Go to System Preferences in the Staff Client
o Search for intranetusercss
o Edit the Intranetusercss and add the following lines:
#dobhidden {display:none;}
#genderhidden {display:none;}
o Click the Save all preferences button