Koha rotating title display

Our Koha modification: rotating Banner/ Title display

One of Prosentient's more popular Koha modifications has been the rotating Banner of new titles for the home page of our clients' OPACs. Today we've made a further enhancement to give our users more control over what exactly displays there.

Each of these modifications to the Rotating Title Display can be made by going to Administration > System Preferences > Local Use and then clicking the New preference button. The bold text below shows what the System Preference variable must be (the explanation can be whatever text you want that will remind you how the preference works):

  • ProsentientNewTitleBranch: This preference limits the display to rotate only through items from a specific branch in your system. In the Value field type in your Branch Code in single quotes. You can list multiple branches but they must each be in their own quotes and separated by a comma. eg. 'BRANCH1','BRANCH2'
  • ProsentientNewTitleItemTypes: This preference limits the display to rotate only through items with a specific Item Type. In the Value field type in the code for your Item Type in single quotes. You can list multiple Item Types but they must each be in their own quotes and separated by a comma. eg. 'BOOK','EBOOK'
  • ProsentientNewTitleDate: This preference allows you to choose whether to rotate the items through recent titles based on the date they entered your catalogue, or the date they were published. When you're creating this preference in the Koha Internal area below the variable, choose Choice for the Variable Type, and type in publicationyear|dateaccessioned in the Variable Options.

These new system preferences address a few requests people have made since introducing the Rotating Title Banner, so we hope they're useful. As always, if you'd like any help in getting these set up on your system, let us know.

Our Koha modification: rotating Banner/ Title display
One of Prosentient's more popular Koha modifications has been the rotating Banner of new titles for the home page of our clients' OPACs. Today we've made a further enhancement to give our users more control over what exactly displays there.

Each of these modifications to the Rotating Title Display can be made by going to Administration System Preferences Local Use and then clicking the New ...