Budget/fund tracking

On the Acquisitions homepage you will see a table of your active funds showing a breakdown of what has been ordered or spent against them.

Whether the amounts include tax or not is controlled by the CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax system preference.

Funds table on the acquisitions module's main page


You can customize the columns of this table in the ‘Table settings’ section of the Administration module (table id: accounts).

Use the ‘Expand all’ link to see all your funds and sub-funds.

‘Collapse all’ will show only first level funds.

‘Hide inactive budgets’ will hide budgets that are not currently active (such as previous years’ budgets).

‘Show inactive budgets’ will show budgets that are not currently active (such as previous years’ budgets).

‘Filter by library’: if you have several libraries in your system and have funds assigned to different ones, use this dropdown menu to filter the table to show only the funds for the selected library.


If the ‘Total’ line at the bottom of the table is confusing for the funds you have set up, you can hide it by adding this code to the IntranetUserCSS preference.

#funds_total {display:none;}

To see a history of all orders in a fund, click on the corresponding hyperlinked amount.

A table with all the ordered items in a fund

FAQ Category
Budget/fund tracking On the Acquisitions homepage you will see a table of your active funds showing a breakdown of what has been ordered or spent against them. Whether the amounts include tax or not is controlled by the CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax system preference. Note You can customize the columns of this table in the ‘Table settings’ section of the Administration module (table id: accounts). Use the ‘Expand all’ link to see all your funds and sub-funds. ‘Collapse all’ will show only first level funds. ‘Hide inactive budgets’ will hide budgets that are not currently active (such as previous years’ budgets). ‘Show inactive budgets’ will show budgets that ...
Acquisitions; Funds; Budget; Tracking; Tax; Calculatefundvaluesincludingtax; Table; Settings; Administration; Expand; Collapse; Library; Intranetusercss