Creating a routing list


Only staff with the routing permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to manage routing lists.

A routing list is a list of people who receive the serial before it goes to the shelf. To enable routing lists, set your RoutingSerials preference to ‘Use’.

When on the subscription page you will see a link to the left that reads ‘Create routing list’ or ‘Edit routing list’

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Manage subscription fields, Serials statistics wizard)

Clicking that link will bring you to the form to add a new routing list.

Create routing list form

From here, click ‘Add recipients’ to add users to the routing list. In the menu that appears you can filter patrons by part of their name, their library, or their patron category.

Pop up window for patron search, titled 'Add recipients'. On the left side are search fields: search (text field), library (library dropdown), category (patron category dropdown), sort 1 (text field), sort 2 (text field), with 'Search' and 'Clear' buttons. A search for 'alford' has been done. On the right side are the patron search results showing the card number, name, patron category, and library. There is an 'Add' button to add the patron. At the bottom of the pop-up, there is a 'Close' button.

Click ‘Add’ to the right of each name to add them to the routing list. When you have chosen all of the people for the list, click the ‘Close’ button to be redirected to the routing list.

Editing routing list form

From this form, you can play with the order of the users and add notes. If you always add the same note, you can enter it in the RoutingListNote system preference.

If the list looks the way you expect it to, click ‘Save’.

Next, you will be brought to a preview of the routing list. To print the list click ‘Save and preview routing slip.’ This will open a printable version of the list.

Routing list preview

If RoutingListAddReserves is enabled, patrons listed in the routing list will automatically be added to the holds list for the issue.

To see a list of all of the routing lists for a specific patron is visit the routing lists tab on their patron record. Patrons are able to see a list of their own routing lists when logged into the OPAC in the your routing lists tab.

FAQ Category
Creating a routing list Note Only staff with the routing permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to manage routing lists. A routing list is a list of people who receive the serial before it goes to the shelf. To enable routing lists, set your RoutingSerials preference to ‘Use’. When on the subscription page you will see a link to the left that reads ‘Create routing list’ or ‘Edit routing list’ Clicking that link will bring you to the form to add a new routing list. From here, click ‘Add recipients’ to add users to the routing list. In the menu that appears you can filter patrons by part of their name, their library, or their patron category. Click ...
Serials; Routing; Staff; Permission; Subscription; Patron; Library; Category; Close; Preview; Print; Reserves; Holds