Claiming late issues


Only staff with the claim_serials permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this tool to claim late serial issues.

Koha can send email messages to your serial vendors if you have late issues. To the left of the main serials page there is a link to ‘Claims’.

Main page of the serials module with the left hand side menu, the New subscription button, and the subscription search form

The links to claims also appears to the left of the subscription detail page

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Manage subscription fields, Serials statistics wizard)

If you don’t have a claim notice defined yet you will see a warning message that you need to first define a notice in the Notices and slips tool.

Warning No claims notice defined. Please define one.

Clicking ‘Claims’ will open a report that will ask you to choose from your various serial vendors to generate claims for late issues.

Claims report result

From the list of late issues you can choose which ones you want to send a claim email to by clicking the checkbox to the left of late issue, choosing the notice template to use and clicking the ‘Send notification’ button.

You can also export the results to a CSV file by choosing a CSV profile and clicking ‘Download selected claims’.

FAQ Category
Claiming late issues Note Only staff with the claim_serials permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this tool to claim late serial issues. Koha can send email messages to your serial vendors if you have late issues. To the left of the main serials page there is a link to ‘Claims’. The links to claims also appears to the left of the subscription detail page If you don’t have a claim notice defined yet you will see a warning message that you need to first define a notice in the Notices and slips tool. Clicking ‘Claims’ will open a report that will ask you to choose from your various serial vendors to generate claims for late issues. From the list of ...
Serials; Claiming; Issues; Permission; Vendors; Notices; Slips; Report; Template; Csv; Profile; Download