Checking serial expiration


Only staff with the check_expiration permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this tool to check serial subscription expiration dates.

When adding serials you enter a subscription length, using the check expiration tool you can see when your subscriptions are about to expire. To use the tool, click the link to ‘Check expiration’ on the serials menu.

Check subscription expiration search form

In the form that appears you need to enter at least a date to search by. You can also search by title, ISBN or library.

In your results you will see all subscriptions that will expire before the date you entered. From there you can choose to view the subscription further or renew it in one click.

Check expiration search results

If there is more than one subscription, you can check the boxes and click on ‘Renew selected subscriptions’ to renew all the serials. The serials will be renewed for the same amount of time as their previous subscription (i.e. if the last subscription for that serial lasted one year, the serial will be renewed for one year; if the last subscription was for 16 issues, it will be renewed for another 16 issues).

Check expiration search results, two results are checked and the Renew selected subscription is available

FAQ Category
Checking serial expiration Note Only staff with the check_expiration permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this tool to check serial subscription expiration dates. When adding serials you enter a subscription length, using the check expiration tool you can see when your subscriptions are about to expire. To use the tool, click the link to ‘Check expiration’ on the serials menu. In the form that appears you need to enter at least a date to search by. You can also search by title, ISBN or library. In your results you will see all subscriptions that will expire before the date you entered. From there you can choose to view the subscription further or renew ...
Serials; Expiration; Subscription; Length; Permission; Superlibrarian; Renewal; Search; Title; Isbn; Library