Communicating with patrons

Koha offers several options for communicating with patrons, some of which have already been covered in this chapter.

OPAC notes

OPAC notes are added to the patron’s file through the add patron form or the edit patron form, in the ‘Library set-up’ section.

'Library set-up' and 'OPAC/Staff login' sections of the patron form

They show up in the ‘Your summary’ section of the patron’s online account in the OPAC.

'Messages for you' box in the patron's online account with a note saying 'This is an OPAC note'

In the staff interface, OPAC notes will be in the ‘Library use’ section of the patron’s file.

Library use section of the patron's detail page

OPAC messages

OPAC messages are added to the patron’s file using the ‘Add message’ button.

Row of action buttons at the top of the patron's detail page: Edit, Add guarantee, Change password, Duplicate, Print, Search to hold, Add message, Schedule pickup, and More

To leave a message that the patron will be able to see in the OPAC, choose “OPAC - Patron’s name” in the ‘Add a message for’ field. Enter your message in the box, or choose a predefined message in the drop-down menu.

Pop-up modal for 'Add message' with the option 'Add a message for OPAC - Patron's name' chosen


Predefined messages are added in the BOR_NOTES authorized value category.

Once saved, the patron will be able to see the message in the ‘Your summary’ section of their online account. The patron will also be able to see the date on which the message was added as well as the name of the branch. They will have the option to dismiss the message. This will hide the message from their OPAC account and mark it as read, but it will not delete the message.

'Messages for you' box in the patron's online account with a message reading "'Please bring a proof of address on your next visit to the library.' Written on 15/05/2023 by Centerville" and a dismiss button

In the staff interface, OPAC messages are shown on the patron’s detail page, at the top of the page just under the row of action buttons.

OPAC message appearing in the patron's detail page in the staff interface just under the edit buttons

It will also appear on the checkout page, to the right of the checkout box.

OPAC message appearing in the patron's checkout page to the right of the checkout box

If you need to edit the message, click the ‘Edit’ button next to the message, edit the text and click ‘Save’.


If you edit a message that has been dismissed by the patron, it will stay as ‘Read’ and the patron will not see your edit.

If the patron dismisses the message, a ‘Read’ mention with the date will appear next to the message in the staff interface to inform staff members that this message was read by the patron.

OPAC message appearing in the patron's detail page in the staff interface just under the edit buttons, 'Read: 15/05/2023' is displayed next to the message

Advance notices and hold notices

If you have enabled the EnhancedMessagingPreferences system preference, you can set advance notices as well as hold notices when adding a new patron or editing a patron.

If the EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC system preference is set to ‘show’, patrons will be able to modify their messaging preferences in their online account.

'Patron messaging preferences' section of the patron form

Item due: A notice on the day and item is due back at the library

Customize this notice by editing the DUE or DUEDGST notices in the Notices and slips tool

Advance notice: A notice in advance of the patron’s items being due (the patron can choose the number of days in advance)

Customize this notice by editing the PREDUE or PREDUEDGST notices in the Notices and slips tool

Hold filled: A notice when you have confirmed the hold is waiting for the patron, and when a curbside pickup is scheduled.

Customize the hold filled notice by editing the HOLD or HOLDDGST templates in the Notices and slips tool.

Customize the curbside pickup scheduled notice by editing the NEW_CURBSIDE_PICKUP template in the Notices and slips tool.

Item check-in: A notice that lists all the of the items the patron has just checked in

Customize this notice by editing the CHECKIN notice in the Notices & slips tool

Item checkout: A notice that lists all the of the items the patron has just checked out and/or renewed, this is an electronic form of the checkout receipt

Customize this notice by editing the CHECKOUT notice in the Notices and slips tool


If the RenewalSendNotice system preference is set to ‘Send’, this notice will be called ‘Item checkout and renewal’.

For renewals, the notice sent is RENEWAL.

Interlibrary loan ready: A notice that is sent when an inter-library loan the patron requested has been fulfilled and is now ready for pickup.

Customize this notice by editing the ILL_PICKUP_READY notice in the Notices and slips tool

This option will only appear if the ILLModule system preference is enabled.

Interlibrary loan unavailable: A notice that is sent when an inter-library loan the patron requested has been cancelled because it was unavailable.

Customize this notice by editing the ILL_REQUEST_UNAVAIL notice in the Notices and slips tool

This option will only appear if the ILLModule system preference is enabled.

Auto renewal: A notice that notifies the patron that their checkouts have been automatically renewed, or if there was a problem with their automatic renewal.

Customize this notice by editing the AUTO_RENEWAL or AUTO_RENEWAL_DGST notice in the Notices & slips tool

This option will only appear if the AutoRenewalNotices is set to “according to patrons messaging preferences”

Hold reminder: A notice that is sent a certain number of days after the hold has been filled, in order to remind the patron that they have to pick it up.

Customize this notice by editing the HOLD_REMINDER notice in the Notices and slips tool.

This notice requires the cron job.

Interlibrary loan updated: A notice that is sent when an inter-library loan the patron requested has been updated.

Customize this notice by editing the ILL_REQUEST_UPDATE notice in the Notices and slips tool

This option will only appear if the ILLModule system preference is enabled.

Patrons can choose to receive their notices as a digest by checking the ‘Digest only’ box along with the delivery method. A digest is a combination of all the messages of that type (so all items due in 3 days in one email) in to one email instead of multiple emails for each alert.

The delivery methods currently supported are:


SMS (text messages)

Automated phone call system


To generate the advance notices (advance notice and item due), you need to run the cronjob. Then, the cronjob will send the notices or the cronjob will gather them in a nice file you can print out and send out via regular mail.

Overdue notices

Overdue notices are managed in Notices & slips and when they are sent is managed in Overdue notice/status triggers.

Patrons cannot opt out of receiving overdue notices like they can other notices (such as advance notices or hold notices)

To generate the overdue notices , you need to run the cronjob. Then, the cronjob will send the notices or the cronjob will gather them in a nice file you can print out and send out via regular mail.

Custom emails


Only staff with the edit_borrowers permission and the send_messages_to_patrons permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to send custom emails to patrons.

Custom emails can be sent to an individual patron.


This feature was added to Koha in version 24.05.

To send a custom email to a patron, click the ‘Add message’ button.

Row of action buttons at the top of the patron's detail page: Edit, Add guarantee, Change password, Duplicate, Print, Search to hold, Add message, Schedule pickup, and More

Choose ‘Email - email addresses of patron’ in the ‘Add a message for’ field. If needed, choose a predefined notice in ‘Patron notice’.


Custom patron notices can be created in the notices and slips tool with the module ‘Patrons (custom message)’.

Otherwise, manually enter the email’s subject in the ‘Subject’ field and the message in the ‘Body’ field.

Pop-up modal for 'Add message' with the option 'Add a message for Email - email addresses of patron' chosen

When you click ‘Save’, the message will be queued to be sent by the cronjob. It will also be visible in the Notices tab of the patron’s file.

Built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs.

FAQ Category
Communicating with patrons Koha offers several options for communicating with patrons, some of which have already been covered in this chapter. OPAC notes OPAC notes are added to the patron’s file through the add patron form or the edit patron form, in the ‘Library set-up’ section. They show up in the ‘Your summary’ section of the patron’s online account in the OPAC. In the staff interface, OPAC notes will be in the ‘Library use’ section of the patron’s file. OPAC messages OPAC messages are added to the patron’s file using the ‘Add message’ button. To leave a message that the patron will be able to see in the OPAC, choose “OPAC - Patron’s name” ...
Renewal; Checkout; Interlibrary; Loan; Reminder; Digest; Email; Sms; Phone; Print; Overdue; Notices; Slips; Custom; Patron; Messaging; Preferences; Illmodule; Autorenewalnotices; Holds; Cronjob