Where can I find Koha documentation?

Koha has extensive online manuals with step-by-step instructions on using the service.

You can find the Koha manuals and resources at http://manual.koha-community.org/

You can review our FAQ.  There is also an extensive Koha online FAQ at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/

To obtain support for your Koha Library Management System application, go to http://www.prosentient.com.au/index.php/support

FAQ Category

Koha has extensive online manuals with step-by-step instructions on using the service.

You can find the Koha manuals and resources at http://manual.koha-community.org/

You can review our FAQ. There is also an extensive Koha online FAQ at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/

To obtain support for your Koha Library Management System application, go to http://www.prosentient.com.au/index.php/support

Online; Manuals; Manual; Community; Support; Library; Management; System; Application; Prosentient; Index