DSpace CRIS: communities and collections

Directly above ‘research outputs’, in the ‘explore by’ box at the bottom of the page, or directly beside ‘home’ at the top, is the link to communities and collections.
This is a great way to conduct a detailed search by location: here you can find articles from areas such as Cairns, Townsville, the Gold Coast, and Central Coast.

Collections such as HSQ and QAS and divisions can also be found here, above and below locations.

A screen for searching through communities and collections.

FAQ Category
DSpace CRIS: communities and collectionsDirectly above ‘research outputs’, in the ‘explore by’ box at the bottom of the page, or directly beside ‘home’ at the top, is the link to communities and collections.This is a great way to conduct a detailed search by location: here you can find articles from areas such as Cairns, Townsville, the Gold Coast, and Central Coast.Collections such as HSQ and QAS and divisions can also be found here, above and below locations. ...
Communities; Collections; Research; Outputs; Location; Cairns; Townsville; Coast; Central; Divisions