GRATISNET has an extensive collection of Open Access journal lists. The register of open access journals is held against the library NUC of EFREE - or electronic free access journals.

When you search for journals, open access resources are always ranked first in the list of libraries. Open access journals sometimes have embargo restraints, and where known these are shown against the holdings of the EFREE libraries.

You can suggest new EFREE journals by emailing Against all EFREE titles when you search you will see a suggest a change link. This can be used to alert the EFREE coordinator of embargo or other changes to the open access journal, or of broken links.

EFREE journals are kindly moderated by from ATNWB.

You can generate a report on EFREE titles as follows:
1 Search for EFREE as the NUC code. A list of journals held by EFREE is displayed.

2 Select the Reports link at the top right

3 Make sure you include "Journal title" and "electronic URL" in the list of fields then create the report

4 Cut and paste all the entire report into "Notepad/word" from GRATISNET, and then saving the result as a .txt file.

5 Open Excel. Select File -> Open -> then select the txt file you just saved.

6 Excel will convert the txt to excel format . . select the delimited option . . then select the comma option instead of tab as the delimiter.

FAQ Category
GRATISNET has an extensive collection of Open Access journal lists. The register of open access journals is held against the library NUC of EFREE - or electronic free access journals.When you search for journals, open access resources are always ranked first in the list of libraries. Open access journals sometimes have embargo restraints, and where known these are shown against the holdings of the EFREE libraries.You can suggest new EFREE journals by emailing ...
Access; Journal; Management; Embargo; Restraints; Moderated; Report; Gratisnet; Nuc; Efree; Interloans; Atnwb; Carvel; Williams; Excel