The Manage search groups page is used by Administrators to define and maintain groups of one or more internet sites to be monitored. 

The 'smarts' in a search group is the collection of search terms and filters that are applied to the content on a site each time it is scanned.

Consider a search group set up to monitor the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian on behalf of patrons researching media coverage of indigenous affairs.  Both these sites will be targetted with a set of tailored search terms and filters designed to capture stories they publish on the topic.  The search terms and filters will be individually tuned for each site because sites differ in the way they implement metadata on their pages.  SMH, for example, uses embedded HTML5 Microdata to specify the author of an article while The Australian use CSS selectors.   

Each search group will have one or more email lists associated with them.  Each email list will consist of one or more email addresses representing interested individuals. After the librarian has reviewed articles matching the group's search terms during a scan of a target site the email lists are used to distribute those articles to the interested patrons.

The major functions on this page allow you to:

  • Add a new search group - to the groups of sites that InterPublish will search
  • Search - for a keyword in the record of an existing search group that InterPublish may be monitoring
  • Search - for the name of a website that InterPublish may be monitoring
  • Modify - a search group that is already being monitored by InterPublish 
  • Delete - a search group that is already being monitored by InterPublish
FAQ Category
The Manage search groups page is used by Administrators to define and maintain groups of one or more internet sites to be monitored.
The 'smarts' in a search group is the collection of search terms and filters that are applied to the content on a site each time it is scanned.
Consider a search group set up to monitor the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian on behalf of patrons researching media coverage of indigenous affairs. Both these sites will be targetted with a set of tailored search terms and filters designed to capture stories they publish on the topic. The search terms and filters will be individually tuned for each site because sites differ in the ...