Glossary of terms
This is a list of terms and their meaning as used in the InterPublish documentation:
Term | Meaning |
accept a document | A document is judged by a librarian to be of further interest to patrons. |
administrator | The InterPublish application administrator in your organisation. |
alert | Notification to patrons about documents of interest. |
capture | InterPublish downloads documents that have met its search criteria. |
configuration | Specifying the parameters InterPublish will use to scan for documents of interest. |
document | An article, story, post, email, tweet or other viable item of internet content which typically has a date, title and author. |
email list | The email addresses of a group of patrons with common research interests for the purpose of sending them alerts. |
false positive | An off-topic document that nevertheless met the search and filter criteria. |
filter terms | Further terms applied to refine a list of document candidates. |
InterPublish | A web-based application for automated monitoring and capture of internet content. |
InterPublish database | InterPublish's database for holding documents to be reviewed by the librarian. |
metadata | Content describing the properties of a document, such as date, title, author. |
monitor | Repeated checking of target site/s at a defined interval. |
off-topic | Not relevant to the topic of interest. |
patrons | Clients or customers of the library on whose behalf target sites are being monitored. |
Portable Document Format - a file format designed to be independendent of particular software and hardware. | |
publish | The capture, storage and indexing of documents in a repository for later search and retrieval. |
reject document | You judge a candidate document is not of interest to patrons and discard it. |
repository | A database, separate to Interpublish, for holding a collection of electronic documents for later search and retrieval. |
result set | One or more articles captured by InterPublish as a result of a single scan. |
review | Manual action taken by the librarian to filter captured articles. |
scan | The act of searching for articles that match a search query. |
search criteria | The search terms and other information which allows InterPublish to find the specified content on specified sites. |
search terms | A list of words and qualifiers designed to identify a list of relevant documents. |
search group | A collection of target sites and search terms of common interest to a group of patrons. |
shortlist | A list of documents which has been culled to ensure relevance. |
site | A source of content on the internet. |
target site | An internet site being monitored by InterPublish. |
FAQ Category
Glossary of terms
This is a list of terms and their meaning as used in the InterPublish documentation:
accept a document
A document is judged by a librarian to be of further interest to patrons.
The InterPublish application administrator in your organisation.
Notification to patrons about documents of interest.
InterPublish downloads documents that have met its search criteria.
Specifying the parameters InterPublish will use to scan for documents of interest.
An article, story, post, email, tweet or other viable item of internet content which ...
This is a list of terms and their meaning as used in the InterPublish documentation:
accept a document
A document is judged by a librarian to be of further interest to patrons.
The InterPublish application administrator in your organisation.
Notification to patrons about documents of interest.
InterPublish downloads documents that have met its search criteria.
Specifying the parameters InterPublish will use to scan for documents of interest.
An article, story, post, email, tweet or other viable item of internet content which ...