When you receive an email declaring available duplicates you can fulfil the request by either of two ways:
  • Method 1 - follow the instructions on the email to nominate and request the duplicates listed in that email
  • Method 2 - online - follow these simple steps
  • 1 Log into GRATISNET and click on the Duplicates button.
    2 A list of available duplicates will be shown.

    Use the Limit option to limit the list of journals to only those journals or library you wish to select.  Alternatively paste in a journal "wish list" to the big text box and click LIMIT BY THE ABOVE WISH LIST.
    3 Checkbox the issues you want to request; click PROCESS YOUR SELECTONS - note the SELECT ALL ITEMS ON THIS PAGE if you want everything shown.
    4 On the review page, click CONFIRM QUANTITY - you will receive a confirmation page showing that your selections have been processed.

    After the list expiry time, the supplying library will process & deliver
    your selections.
    FAQ Category
    When you receive an email declaring available duplicates you can fulfil the request by either of two ways: Method - follow the instructions on the email to nominate and request the duplicates listed in that email Method - online - follow these simple steps Log into GRATISNET and click on the Duplicates button. A list of available duplicates will be shown.Use the Limit option to limit the list of journals to only those journals or library you wish to ...