Patron permissions

Patron permissions are used to allow staff members access to the staff interface.


In order for a staff member to log into the staff interface they must have (at the very least) the catalogue permission which allows them to view the staff interface.

Setting patron permissions


Only staff with the permissions permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to set permissions for other staff members.

In addition to the permissions permission, only staff with the staffaccess permission will be able to set permission for other staff members whose category is of the ‘staff’ type.

On the patron record, click ‘More’ and choose ‘Set permissions’ to alter the patron’s permissions.

On the patron's account the "More" button is clicked and a dropdown menu is shown with "Set permissions" highlighted

You will be presented with a list of preferences, some of which can be expanded by clicking the ‘Show details’ link on the right title.

Form showing all patron permissions with none currently selected

In all cases, if the parent permission is checked, the user has all the child permissions. If you want to set permissions on a more granular level, expand the section and only check the permissions you want that staff members to have.

To copy a patron’s permissions to another patron, click the ‘Copy settings’ button, then go to the other patron’s permissions settings and click ‘Paste permissions’.

Click the arrow button next to the ‘Copy settings’ and choose ‘Forget copied permissions’ once you are done copying the permissions.


The ability to copy permissions was added to Koha in version 24.05.

Patron permissions defined

This section describes the different permissions.

Access to all librarian functions (superlibrarian)

This permission grants access to everything in the Koha staff interface.

The superlibrarian permission also gives access to things that might otherwise be restricted by system preferences for example.


With this permission selected, there is no need to choose any other permission.

Check out and check in items (circulate)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the circulation module. Checking the circulate permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Remaining circulation permissions (circulate_remaining_permissions)

This permission grants all circulation rights except those covered by permissions listed below.

Force checkout if a limitation exists (force_checkout)

With this permission, a staff member will be allowed to override a check out restriction in the following cases:

age restriction

the item is issued to another patron

the item is not for loan

the patron has overdue items

the patron is restricted

the item is lost

the item is a high demand item

the item is on hold

Mark checkout notes as seen/not seen (manage_checkout_notes)

This permission allows staff to manage the checkout notes written by users through the OPAC.

Manage curbside pickups (manage_curbside_pickups)

This permission allows staff to manage patron curbside pickup appointments.

Manage restrictions for accounts (manage_restrictions)

This permission allows staff to lift a restriction that might be on the patron’s record, or add a manual restriction.


Note that a staff member without manage_restrictions but who has force_checkout will be able to temporarily override a patron’s restriction in order to check out an item to them.

Execute overdue items report (overdues_report)

This permission allows staff to run the overdues reports found under Circulation (Overdues and Overdues with fines).

Override blocked renewals (override_renewals)

This permission allows staff to override renewals restrictions.

Requires that the staff member also have circulate_remaining_permissions.

Staff access, allows viewing the catalogue in staff interface (catalogue)


This permission must be given to all staff members to allow them to log into the staff interface

This permission allows access to the staff interface, with the possibility of

searching the catalogue (simple search, advanced search and item search)

searching the authorities

viewing the checkout history of a title (no patron information is shown)

creating private or public lists, adding items to private lists and public lists, if the public list permission allows it, editing and deleting private lists

using the cart

viewing course reserves

Manage Koha system settings (Administration panel) (parameters)

The following permissions are used to give access to various pages from the administration module. Checking the parameters permission will give access to all pages. Click ‘Show details’ to give access to specific pages only.

Manage account debit and credit types (manage_accounts)

This permission gives access to the debit types and credit types management sections.

Manage additional fields for baskets or subscriptions (manage_additional_fields)

This permission gives access to the additional fields management sections.


This permission requires that the staff member also have the corresponding permission for the particular additional fields.

Additional fields

Corresponding permission

Order baskets (aqbasket)

Manage basket and order lines (order_manage)

Order lines (aqorders)

Manage basket and order lines (order_manage)

Invoices (aqinvoices)

Edit invoices (edit_invoices)

Subscriptions (subscription)

Edit an existing subscription (edit_subscription)

Account lines (credit) (accountlines:credit)

Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees (remaining_permissions)

Account lines (debit) (accountlines:debit)

Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees (remaining_permissions)

Manage audio alerts (manage_audio_alerts)

This permission gives access to the audio alerts management section.

Manage authorized value categories and authorized values (manage_auth_values)

This permission gives access to the auhorized values management section.

Manage background jobs (manage_background_jobs)

This permission gives access to the jobs management section.

Add, edit and archive cash registers (manage_cash_registers)

This permission gives access to the cash registers management section.

Manage circulation rules (manage_circ_rules)

This permission gives access to the circulation and fine rules management section.

Manage circulation rules from any library (manage_circ_rules_from_any_libraries)

This permission grants the right to manage circulation rules from any library.

If a staff member does not have this permission, but has the manage_circ_rules permission, they can only edit circulation rules from their own library.

Manage cities and towns (manage_cities)

This permission gives access to the cities and towns management section.

Manage classification sources and filing rules (manage_classifications)

This permission gives access to the classification sources management section.

Manage column configuration (manage_column_config)

This permission gives access to the table settings section.

Manage curbside pickups (manage_curbside_pickups)

This permission gives access to the curbside pickup management section.

This section is used to manage the pickup slots and other curbside pickup parameters. Circulation staff who manage the actual pickups need the manage_curbside_pickups permission under circulate.

Manage Did you mean? configuration (manage_didyoumean)

This permission gives access to the Did you mean? management section.

Manage authentication providers (manage_identity_providers)

This permission gives access to the identity providers management section.

Manage item circulation alerts (manage_item_circ_alerts)

This permission gives access to the item circulation alerts management section.

Manage item search fields (manage_item_search_fields)

This permission gives access to the item search fields management section.

Manage item types (manage_itemtypes)

This permission gives access to the item types management section.

Manage keyboard shortcuts for the advanced cataloging editor (manage_keyboard_shortcuts)

This permission gives access to the keyboard shortcuts management section.

Manage libraries and library groups (manage_libraries)

This permission gives access to the libraries and library groups management sections.

Manage Mana KB content sharing (manage_mana)

This permission gives access to the share content with Mana KB section.

Manage MARC bibliographic and authority frameworks and test them (manage_marc_frameworks)

This permission gives access to the following sections:

MARC bibliographic framework

Authority types

Koha to MARC mapping

MARC Bibliographic framework test

Manage MARC overlay rules configuration (manage_marc_overlay_rules)

This permission gives access to the record overlay rules management section.

Manage record matching rules (manage_matching_rules)

This permission gives access to the record matching rules management section.

Manage OAI sets (manage_oai_sets)

This permission gives access to the OAI sets configuration section.

Manage extended patron attributes (manage_patron_attributes)

This permission gives access to the patron attribute types management section.

Manage patron categories (manage_patron_categories)

This permission gives access to the patron categories management section.

Manage patron restrictions (manage_patron_restrictions)

This permission gives access to the patron restriction types management section.

Manage record sources (manage_record_sources)

This permission gives access to the record sources management section.


This permission, and the corresponding feature, were added in Koha in version 24.05.

Manage search engine configuration (manage_search_engine_config)

This permission gives access to the search engine configuration section.


This section is only visible when the SearchEngine system preference is set to ‘Elasticsearch’.

Manage saved search filters (manage_search_filters)

This permission gives access to the search filters management section.

Manage Z39.50 and SRU server configuration (manage_search_targets)

This permission gives access to the Z39.50/SRU servers management section.

Manage SMS cellular providers (manage_sms_providers)

This permission gives access to the SMS cellular providers management section.


This section will only be visible when the SMSSendDriver system preference is set to ‘Email’.

Manage SMTP servers (manage_smtp_servers)

This permission gives access to the SMTP servers management section.

Manage system preferences (manage_sysprefs)

This permission gives access to the system preferences.

Manage library transfer limits and transport cost matrix (manage_transfers)

This permission gives access to the library transfer limits and the transport cost matrix management sections.

Manage usage statistics settings (manage_usage_stats)

This permission gives access to the share your usage statistics section.

Remaining system parameters permissions (parameters_remaining_permissions)

This permission gives access to any remaining sections of the administration module not mentioned above.

Add, modify and view patron information (borrowers)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the patrons module. Checking the borrowers permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Delete patrons (delete_borrowers)

This permission grants the ability to delete patrons.

Add, modify and view patron information (edit_borrowers)

This permission gives access to the patrons module to view patron files, as well as adding new patrons and editing existing patrons.


Staff members with this permission, but without the list_borrowers permission will be able to access patron files directly (from a direct link, for example), but not search for patrons.

Search, list and view patrons (list_borrowers)

This permission gives access to the patrons module to search for and view patron files.


Staff members with this permission, but without the edit_borrowers permission will be able to view patrons, but not add new patrons or edit existing patrons.

Send messages to patrons (send_messages_to_patrons)


This permission, and its accompanying feature, was added to Koha in version 24.05.

This permission grants the right to send custom emails to patrons.


Without this permission, but with the edit_borrowers permission, staff will still be able to add and manage internal notes and OPAC messages.

View patron information from any libraries (view_borrower_infos_from_any_libraries)

This permission grants the right to access patron files from any library.

If a staff member does not have this permission, but has the edit_borrowers permission, they can only view patrons from their own library or library group.

Set user permissions (permissions)

This permission grants the ability to set permissions for other staff members.


Staff members with this permission will not be able to set permissions for patrons whose category is of the ‘staff’ type unless they also have the staffaccess permission.

Place and modify holds for patrons (reserveforothers)

The following permissions are used to give access to holds options. Checking the reserveforothers permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Modify holds priority (modify_holds_priority)

This permission allows staff members to alter the holds priority (moving patrons up and down the queue).

Place holds for patrons (place_holds)

This permission allows staff members to place holds in the staff interface.

Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data) (editcatalogue)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the cataloging module. Checking the editcatalogue permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Use the advanced cataloging editor (advanced_editor)

This permission grants the ability to use the advanced cataloging editor in the cataloging module.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the edit_catalogue permission.

Create shared macros (create_shared_macros)

This permission grants the ability to create macros to be used in the advanced cataloging editor.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the advanced_editor permission.

Delete all items at once (delete_all_items)

This permission grants the ability to use the ‘Delete all items’ option found under the ‘Edit’ menu in cataloging, to delete all of a record’s items.

Delete shared macros (delete_shared_macros)

This permission grants the ability to delete macros from the advanced cataloging editor.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the advanced_editor permission.

Edit any item including items that would otherwise be restricted (edit_any_item)

This permission grants the ability to edit items belonging to libraries from other library groups.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the edit_items permission.

Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data) (edit_catalogue)

This permission grants the ability to add bibliographic records (including importing records through z39.50/SRU, and duplicating records), edit existing bibliographic records, merge existing bibliographic records, and delete bibliographic records.

Edit items (edit_items)

This permission grants the ability to add new items, edit items, and delete items, but not bibliographic records.

This permission also lets the staff member create and use item templates, but the manage_item_editor_templates permission is required to manage item templates created by other staff members.

Limit item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing system preference (edit_items_restricted)

This permission limits the ability to edit items to subfields specified in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing system preference.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the edit_items permission.

Edit locked records (edit_locked_records)

This permission grants the ability to edit records that come from locked sources.


This permission, and the corresponding feature, were added in Koha in version 24.05.

Fast cataloging (fast_cataloging)

This permission grants the ability to catalog new records using the fast cataloging option found on the main circulation page and on the main cataloging page.

Create, update and delete item editor templates owned by others (manage_item_editor_templates)

This permission grants the ability to manage item templates created by other users.


Anyone who has the edit_items permission can create and share item templates, and delete their own templates.

Create, update and delete item groups, add or remove items from an item group (manage_item_groups)

This permission grants the ability to create, edit, and delete item groups.

Manage patrons fines and fees (updatecharges)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the accounting tab in the patron records. Checking the updatecharges permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Discount debits for patrons (discount)

This permission grants the ability to apply discounts to charges.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Add manual credits to a patron account (manual_credit)

This permission grants the ability to add manual credits to a patron’s account.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Add manual invoices to a patron account (manual_invoice)

This permission grants the ability to create manual invoices in a patron’s account.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Payout credits to patrons (payout)

This permission grants the ability to reimburse credits to patrons.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Refund payments to patrons (refund)

This permission grants the ability to refund payments that patrons have already made to the library.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees (remaining_permissions)

This permission grants the ability to manage fines and fees other than the actions described in the other sub-permissions (discounts, payouts, refunds, and writeoffs).

This includes, but is not limited to:

the ability to access to the patrons’ accounting tab;

the ability to pay existing charges;

the ability to cancel charges;

the ability to void payments; and

the ability to see the patron’s transaction history.

Write off fines and fees (writeoff)

This permission grants the ability to write off patron fees.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the remaining_permissions permission.

Acquisition management (acquisition)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the acquisitions module. Checking the acquisition permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


All the acquisitions sub-permissions give access to the acquisitions home page. That means that staff who have one or more of the following permissions will be able to view the budgets, search and view vendor information, and view invoices.

Add and delete funds (but can’t modify funds) (budget_add_del)

This permission grants the ability to add funds and delete funds within a budget.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the budget_manage permission and the budget_modify permission.


Without the period_manage permission, staff members will only be able to add sub-funds, as they will not be able to access the budgets administration page to add first-level funds.

Manage funds (budget_manage)

This permission grants the ability to access the fund administration page.

Note that this only gives viewing access to the page, you will need to give your staff the budget_add_del permission and the budget_modify permission if you want them to be able to make changes to the funds.

Manage all funds (budget_manage_all)

This permission grants viewing access to all funds regardless of restrictions on them (owner, user or library restrictions).


Staff members with this permission also need to have the budget_manage permission.

Modify funds (can’t create lines, but can modify existing ones) (budget_modify)

This permission grants the ability to edit fund information and amounts.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the budget_manage permission and the budget_add_del permission.

Manage contracts (contracts_manage)

This permission grants the ability to add, edit and delete contracts with vendors.

Manage currencies and exchange rates (currencies_manage)

This permission grants the ability to access the Currencies and exchange rates configuration page.

Delete baskets (delete_baskets)

This permission grants the ability to delete baskets.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the order_manage permission to be able to view the baskets in order to delete them.

Delete invoices (delete_invoices)

This permission grants the ability to delete invoices.

Manage EDIFACT transmissions (edi_manage)

This permission grants the ability to access the EDI account administration page, the library EANs administration page and access sent EDI messages.

Edit invoices (edit_invoices)

This permission grants the ability to edit invoices (modify invoice information such as the invoice number, billing or shipping date, add adjustments, etc.).


Staff members with this permission will not be able to receive orders against an invoice unless they have the order_receive permission as well.

Manage basket groups (group_manage)

This permission grants the ability to create, edit, close and delete basket groups.

Manage vendor issues (issue_manage)

This permission grants the ability to create, edit, and delete vendor issues.


This permission was introduced in version 23.11 of Koha.

Merge invoices (merge_invoices)

This permission grants the ability to merge invoices.

Manage baskets and order lines (order_manage)

This permission grants the ability to place orders, including creating baskets, adding order lines, edit existing baskets, closing baskets, etc.


Staff members with this permission will not be able to order from a new file unless they also have the stage_marc_import permission.

Likewise, staff members will not be able to order from titles with highest hold ratios unless they also have the circulate_remaining_permissions permission.

Manage all baskets and order lines, regardless of restrictions on them (order_manage_all)

This permission grants the ability to manage all baskets and orders even if they are restricted to the owner, users or library.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the order_manage permission.

Receive orders and manage shipments (order_receive)

This permission grants the ability to create invoices, receive orders, and claim late orders.

Manage budgets (period_manage)

This permission grants access to the budget administration page and the ability to create, duplicate, edit, and delete budgets.


Without the budget_manage permission, budget_add_del permission, and the budget_modify permission, staff will not be able to add or edit budget funds.

Manage budget plannings (planning_manage)

This permission grants the ability to access the budget planning page.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the budget_manage permission, and the period_manage permission.

Reopen closed invoices (reopen_closed_invoices)

This permission grants the ability to reopen closed invoices.

Manage vendors (vendors_manage)

This permission grants the ability to add, edit, and delete vendors.

Note that vendors are used in the acquisition module, the serials module, and the e-resource management module.

Suggestions management (suggestions)

The following permissions are used to give access to purchase suggestion management functions of the acquisitions module. There is currently only one sub-permission. Checking either suggestions or suggestion_manage will have the same effect.

Manage purchase suggestions (suggestions_manage)

This permission grants the ability to create and manage purchase suggestions, including creating new suggestions and changing the suggestions’ statuses.

Use all tools (tools)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the tools module, including some cataloguing tools. Checking the tools permission will give access to all tools. Click ‘Show details’ to give access to specific tools.

Access to the files stored on the server (access_files)

This permission gives access to the access files tool to access files stored on the server.

Perform batch extend due dates (batch_extend_due_dates)

This permission gives access to the batch extend due dates tool.

Upload patron images in batch or one at a time (batch_upload_patron/koha_manual/patrons/assets)

This permission gives access to the patron image upload tool.

Delete old borrowers and anonymize circulation history (deletes borrower checkout history) (delete_anonymize_patrons)

This permission gives access to the batch patron deletion and anonymization tool.

Write additional contents for the OPAC and staff interfaces (news and HTML customizations) (edit_additional_contents)

This permission gives access to the news tool, the HTML customizations tool, and the pages tool.

Define days when the library is closed (edit_calendar)

This permission gives access to the calendar tool.

Set notice/status triggers for overdue items (edit_notice_status_triggers)

This permission gives access to the overdue notice/status triggers tool.

Define notices (edit_notices)

This permission gives access to the notices and slips tool.

Perform batch modification of patrons (edit_patrons)

This permission gives access to the batch patron modification tool.

Edit quotes for the quote-of-the-day feature (edit_quotes)

This permission gives access to the quote editor for the ‘Quote of the day’ feature.

Export bibliographic and holdings data (export_catalog)

This permission gives access to the export catalog data tool from the cataloging module


Staff members with this permission also need to have at least one of the editcatalogue sub-permissions.

Import patron data (import_patrons)

This permission gives access to the import patrons tool.

Perform inventory of your catalog (inventory)

This permission gives access to the inventory tool from the cataloging module.

Perform batch deletion of items (items_batchdel)

This permission gives access to the batch item deletion tool from the cataloging module.

Perform batch modification of items (items_batchmod)

This permission gives access to the batch item modification tool and the item modifications by age tool from the cataloging module.

Limit batch item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod preference (items_batchmod_restricted)

This permission restricts the batch item modification tool to modify only the subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod system preference.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the items_batchmod permission.

Create printable labels and barcodes from catalog and patron data (label_creator)

This permission gives access to the patron card creator tool, as well as the label creator, the barcode image generator tool, and the quick spine label creator tool from the cataloging module.

Manage CSV export profiles (manage_csv_profiles)

This permission gives access to the CSV profiles tool.

Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents (manage_patron_lists)

This permission gives access to the patron lists tool.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the list_borrowers permission (and optionally the view_borrower_infos_from_any_libraries permission), otherwise, they will only be able to create lists and view existing lists, but not add patrons to the lists.

Manage staged MARC records, including completing and reversing imports (manage_staged_marc)

This permission gives access to the manage staged MARC records tool from the cataloging module.


Unless staff members with this permission also have the stage_marc_import permission, they will only be able to manage records that have already been staged by someone else. This depends on your workflows.

Manage MARC modification templates (marc_modification_templates)

This permission gives access to the MARC modification templates tool from the cataloging module.

Moderate patron comments (moderate_comments)

This permission gives access to the comments tool.

Moderate patron tags (moderate_tags)

This permission gives access to the tags tool.

Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority) (records_batchdel)

This permission gives access to the batch record deletion tool from the cataloging module.

Perform batch modification of records (bibliographic or authorities) (records_batchmod)

This permission gives access to the batch record modification tool from the cataloging module.

Manage rotating collections (rotating_collections)

This permission gives access to the rotating collections tool.

Schedule tasks to run (schedule_tasks)

This permission gives access to the task scheduler tool.

Stage MARC records into the reservoir (stage_marc_import)

This permission gives access to the stage MARC records tool from the cataloging module.


Unless staff members with this permission also have the manage_staged_marc permission, they will only be able to stage records but not import them into the catalog. This depends on your workflows.

Upload any file (upload_general_files)

This permission gives access to the upload tool to upload files.

Upload local cover images (upload_local_cover/koha_manual/patrons/assets)

This permission gives access to the upload local cover image tool from the cataloging module to upload a batch of cover images, as well as the ability to add local cover images from the record detail page and delete local cover images.


In order to add cover images to items, staff members will also need the edit_items permission.

Manage uploaded files (upload_manage)

This permission gives access to files uploaded via the upload tool.


Staff members with this permission also need to have the upload_general_files to access the upload tool.

Browse the system logs (view_system_logs)

This permission gives access to the log viewer tool, as well as the ‘Modification log’ tabs (in the patron’s account, for example, or in the record details page).

Edit authorities (editauthorities)

This permission grants the ability to create, edit, merge, and delete authority records.


Staff with the catalogue permission will be able to search authorities.

Manage serial subscriptions (serials)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the serials module. Checking the serials permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


Staff who have one or more of the following sub-permissions will be able to search for and view serial subscriptions, and manage serial numbering patterns.


The serials permission is required to manage serial frequencies.


Some staff may also need acquisitions permissions, such as the vendors_manage permission since vendors for serials are managed in the acquisitions module.

Check the expiration of a serial (check_expiration)

This permission gives the ability to check the expiration date of serials.

Claim missing serials (claim_serials)

This permission gives the ability to claim missing issues.

Create a new subscription (create_subscription)

This permission gives the ability to add new subscriptions.

Delete an existing subscription (delete_subscription)

This permission gives the ability to delete serial subscriptions.

Edit an existing subscription (edit_subscription)

This permission gives the ability to edit existing serial subscriptions.

Serials receiving (receive_serials)

This permission gives the ability to receive issues of existing subscriptions.

Renew a subscription (renew_subscription)

This permission gives the ability to renew serial subscriptions.

Routing (routing)

This permission gives the ability to manage routing lists.

Manage subscriptions from any branch (superserials)

This permission is only useful if the IndependentBranches system preference is used.

Allow access to the reports module (reports)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the reports module. Checking the reports permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


Staff who have one or more of the following sub-permissions will be able to run reports in the statistics wizard section, as well as the other reports on the main reports page.


Reports found on the Circulation page are not controlled by this permission.

Create SQL reports (create_reports)

This permission gives the ability to create guided reports or SQL reports.


Staff who need to run reports already created need the execute_reports permission.

Delete SQL reports (delete_reports)

This permission gives the ability to delete saved SQL reports.


Staff with this permission also need the execute_reports permission.

Execute SQL reports (execute_reports)

This permission gives the ability to run custom SQL reports, but not create or edit them.

Allow staff members to modify permissions, usernames, and passwords for other staff members (staffaccess)

This permission gives the ability to modify permissions, passwords, and usernames of patrons who are staff members (patrons whose category is of the ‘staff’ type).


Staff with this permission also need the edit_borrowers permission and the permissions permission.

Course reserves (coursereserves)

The following permissions are used to give access to functions from the course reserves module. Checking the coursereserves permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


If the UseCourseReserves system preference is not enabled, these permissions will not have any effect.

Add course reserves (add_reserves)

This permission gives the ability to add items to existing courses.

Remove course reserves (delete_reserves)

This permission gives the ability to remove items from existing courses.

Add, edit and delete courses (manage_courses)

This permission gives the ability to create, edit and delete courses.

Koha plugins (plugins)

The following permissions are used to give access to plugins. Checking the plugins permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Use administrative plugins (admin)

This permission gives the ability to use administrative plugins.

Configure plugins (configure)

This permission gives the ability to run the ‘configure’ section of a plugin, if it has one.


Staff with this permission also need either the report permission or the tool permission in order to be able to access the plugins.

Manage plugins (manage)

This permission gives the ability to install or uninstall plugins.


Staff with this permission also need either the report permission or the tool permission in order to be able to access the plugins.

Use report plugins (report)

This permission gives the ability to use report plugins.

Use tool plugins (tool)

This permission gives the ability to use tool plugins.

Lists (lists)

The following permissions are used to give access to public list management. Checking the lists permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


All staff members have permission to create, modify and delete their own lists. These permissions are only necessary if you’d like to give a staff member permission to edit or delete public lists that they have not created.

Delete public lists (delete_public_lists)

This permission gives the ability to delete public lists created by someone else.

Edit public lists contents (edit_public_list_contents)

This permission gives the ability to change the contents of public lists that have the “Permitted staff only” permission.

Edit public lists (edit_public_lists)

This permission gives the ability to edit the name, settings, and permissions of a public list owned by someone else.


This does not give the staff member permission to change the contents of the list, unless the list permissions allow them to.

Patron clubs (clubs)

The following permissions are used to give access to the patron clubs functionalities. Checking the clubs permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Create and edit clubs (edit_clubs)

This permission gives the ability to create and edit patron clubs based on existing club templates using the patron clubs tool.

Create and edit club templates (edit_templates)

This permission gives the ability to create and edit club templates using the patron clubs tool.

Enroll patrons in clubs (enroll)

This permission gives the ability to enroll patrons from the patron record in the staff interface.


Staff with this permission also need either the edit_borrowers permission or the larger borrowers permission in order to be able to access the patron records to enroll them in clubs.

Create and modify interlibrary loan requests (ill)

This permission gives access to the interlibrary loan (ILL) module.

Self check modules (self_check)

The following permissions are used to enable the self checkout and the self checkin modules. Checking the self_check permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.


These permissions should be given to a dedicated self check patron, not a regular staff patron.

Log into the self check-in module (self_checkin_module)

This permission is used to enable the self checkin module. Give it only to a dedicated self check patron created for this purpose.


This permission prevents the patron from using any other OPAC functionality.

Perform self checkout at the OPAC (self_checkout_module)

This permission is used to enable the self checkout module. Give it only to a dedicated self check patron created for this purpose.


This permission should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID system preference.

Manage stockrotation operations (stockrotation)

The following permissions are used to give access to stockrotation management. Checking the stockrotation permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Add and remove items from rotas (manage_rota_items)

This permission gives the ability to manage the items in the rotas.

Create, edit and delete rotas (manage_rotas)

This permission gives the ability to manage rotas.

Cash management (cash_management)

The following permissions are used to give access to the point of sale module and the cash registers functionalities. Checking the cash_management permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Perform anonymous refund actions (anonymous_refund)

This permission gives the ability to refund payments done through the point of sale from the cash register transaction history.

Perform cash register cashup action (cashup)

This permission gives the ability to record cash register cashups.

Access the point of sale page and take payments (takepayment)

This permission gives access to the point of sale module.

Recalls (recalls)

The following permissions are used to give access to the recalls functionalities. Checking the recalls permission will give access to all functionalities. Click ‘Show details’ to give specific permissions.

Manage recalls for patrons (manage_recalls)

This permission gives access to the recall management page.

Manage the electronic resources module (erm)

This permission gives access to the e-resource management module.


Staff members must have this permission in order to be attached as agreement and license users in agreement and license records.

Allow staff to change logged in library (loggedinlibrary)

This permission gives the ability to change the library when logging into the staff interface.

This permission also gives the ability to set the library in the staff interface.


Staff members who do not have this permission will only be able to log into their home library.

Manage the preservation module (preservation)

This permission gives access to the preservation module.


This permission was introduced in version 23.11 of Koha.

FAQ Category
Patron permissions Patron permissions are used to allow staff members access to the staff interface. Important In order for a staff member to log into the staff interface they must have (at the very least) the catalogue permission which allows them to view the staff interface. Setting patron permissions Note Only staff with the permissions permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to set permissions for other staff members. In addition to the permissions permission, only staff with the staffaccess permission will be able to set permission for other staff members whose category is of the ‘staff’ type. On the patron record, click ‘More’ and choose ‘Set ...
Manage; Routing; Subscriptions; Permissions; Reports; Module; Administrative; Configure; Plugins; Report; Lists; Public; Patron; Clubs; Templates; Enroll; Interlibrary; Loan; Requests; Checkout; Checkin; Stockrotation; Operations; Management; Point; Recalls; Electronic; Resources; Agreement; License; Users; Loggedin; Library