The Manage search groups page is used by Administrators to define and maintain groups of one or more internet sites to be monitored.
The 'smarts' in a search group is the collection of search terms and filters that are applied to the content on a site each time it is scanned.
Consider a search group set up to monitor the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian on behalf of patrons researching media coverage of indigenous affairs. Both these sites will be targetted with a set of tailored search terms and filters designed to capture stories they publish on the topic. The search terms and filters will be individually tuned for each site because sites differ in the ...
InterPublish is a web-based application for the automated monitoring, capture and distribution of internet content, for the purpose of maintaining current awareness among patrons of latest published developments in their field or fields of interest.
Broadly speaking the following steps are required to set up and operate InterPublish for this purpose:
A) InterPublish setup
Setting up InterPublish for the first time will generally require some assistance from Prosentient Systems for the nominated application administrator in the Library. Setup generally requires the specification within the application of the following information:
1) Metadata elements:
the metadata ...
The Manage email lists page is used by Administrators to maintain lists of patrons sharing a common research interest and wishing to receive alerts about particular kinds of new content.
Each email list is associated with one or more website search groups. Search groups are collections of websites that will be monitored using particular search terms designed to cater to the interests of a particular email list. There might be an email list for members of the management team who are interested in any new publications that mention the name of their company or their company's competitors. Another list may be designed for staff who are ...
Manage email addresses page is used by Administrators to maintain the email address of a patron wishing to receive new content alerts.
Having registered the name and email address for a patron using this page you are able to add the person to one or more mailing lists.
Should a patron change their email address or no longer wish to receive alerts you would revisit this page to modify or delete their record.
The functions on this page allow you to:
Email (address) - the email address of the patron
Name - the name of the patron
Modify - an existing email address
Delete - an existing email address
Admininstrators use the Manage a metadata usage page to specify the descriptive information to be extracted from online documents for cataloguing these documents in other library systems.
Metdata elements contain the descriptive information that accompanies an online document such as Title, Author, Date, etc. Any number of metadata elements can be defined, according to the requirements of the particular library.
These metadata items are used to customise the forms with which the librarian reviews, catalogues and publishes scanned documents in InterPublish. Documents can be scanned for metadata with reference to either a text-based authorities file or a ...
The Manage configuration page is used by System Administrators to create and maintain the settings that tell InterPublish how to do its job.
These settings take the form of name, value pairs and should only be created or changed by the application service provider.
The major functions on this page allow a System Administrator to:
Add a new configuration item - to the list of existing InterPublish configuration items
Modify - an existing InterPublish configuration item
The Manage logins page is used by Administrators to add, modify and delete administrative account (logins) for the InterPublish application.
The major functions on this page allow you to:
Add a new login - create an account for new InterPublish Administrator
Search - for an existing administrator's details
Modify - an existing administrator account
Delete - an existing administrator account
Reset - the password for an existing account
The Manage help page is used by Administrators to add, modify and delete Help messages for the InterPublish application.
The major functions on this page allow you to:
Add a new help item - create a tool tip, field tip or script page help
Modify - an existing help item
Delete - an existing help item
On the Manage search group page you can modify the details of the chosen search group and the sites associated with it.
The following details about a particular search group can be modified:
search group name and status - change the details as required and click Save and Close
the sites this search group is monitoring - use the action links to enable/disable sites available to this search group. If the site required is not listed it will first need to be configured using the Manage Sites function under Setup.
the search terms being used - search terms specific to a site in the context of this group are maintained through the edit search terms action link.
Use this page to modify the Search terms that will be used to find content in this particular search group and site.
InterPublish employs up to three kinds of search terms to ensure you locate only the documents you are interested in - no more and no less.
1) Site search terms
In the initial site search, Interpublish will use your terms to identify an initial set of documents that match your criteria. It will refer to the site setup information (under Manage Sites) to help it extract key metadata from the HTML (Title, Author, Date, URL, Text) and write these into the InterPublish database together with a PDF version of the page or document.
The Site search terms are the ...
The Review and alert page shows you matching documents found by InterPublish and lets you distribute them by HTML formatted email to your email subscribers. The functions on this page allow you to:
Update metadata - save any changes you make to the metadata fields describing the document
Accept document- distribute an HTML version of this new document to your mailing list subscribers
Reject document- do not send an HTML version of this new document to your mailing list subscribers
Review later - hold this record in the InterPublish database pending further review
To review and send alert emails to your mailing list subscribers:
The Manage an email list page is used by Administrators to maintain a list of patrons having something in common for the purpose of sending them new content alerts.
There could be an email list for members of the management team, for example, who are interested in any new publications that mention the name of their company (or main competitors).
Once the list is established email addresses can be added or removed. Individual patrons will often be found in several email il lists, the mix of which represents their portfolio of interests.
Each email list is associated with one or more website search groups. Search groups are collections of websites that will ...
The XPATH configuration wizard is a tool that will assist you to specify how you want InterPublish to scan a site on the internet.
Based on your instructions the wizard will build an XML query which extracts the required data from the web page or pages. Even with the help of the wizard, this is a fairly technical area and most sites will need assistance from the vendor, at least in the first instance. Administrators who are using the wizard should be aware of the following pitfalls:
Index numbers
Be careful using index numbers (eg. a[1] where the index number is 1). These can make your queries more powerful, as you can choose the first A element as your title ...
The Modify an email address page is used by Administrators to maintain the details of a patron, including their name, email address and website search groups associated with this patron.
The major functions on this page allow you to:
Modify the email address - of the patron
Modify the name - of the patron
Remove a search group - from which the patron curently receives alerts
Add a search group - from which the patron will receive future alerts
The Review and publish page shows you matching documents found by InterPublish and allows you to accept or reject them for publication to your content repository.
InterPublish currently supports the Koha libraray management system and the DSpace digital repository application and can be integrated with any such software. A repository application will need to be present and configured before you can use the Review and publish function.
The functions available on this page are:
Update metadata - save any changes you make to the metadata fields describing the document
Add as site - tell InterPublish that this page is not a document but ...
Admininstrators use the Manage a metadata element page to customise metadata elements InterPublish.
Metdata elements contain the descriptive information that accompanies an online document such as Title, Author, Date, etc.
InterPublish does the following with the metadata items defined through this page:
takes the information provided and searches for these metadata items in documents on the sites being scanned
creates matching metadata fields in the Review & publish and the Review & alert forms for working with candidate documents
maps these metadata fields in InterPublish to corresponding Dublin Core or MARC fields to be populated when the document is exported to other ...
The Document history page displays a list of items captured and stored in the InterPublish database with the option of adding them to your repository.
The following functions are available:
Search by date captured - select the number of days past from which to search for documents
Search document history - search for an document using the optional filters
Review and publish a document using InterPublish - click the link under Action
Visit the original document - click link under SiteURL to view the document on the internet
InterPublish is a web-based application for the automated monitoring, capture and distribution of internet content, for the purpose of maintaining current awareness among patrons of latest published developments in their field or fields of interest.
Broadly speaking the following steps are required to set up and operate InterPublish for this purpose:
A) InterPublish setup
Setting up InterPublish for the first time will generally require some assistance from Prosentient Systems for the nominated application administrator in the Library. Setup generally requires the specification within the application of the following information:
1) Metadata elements:
the metadata ...
The Scanning logs page generates a report giving the dates, times and results of scans it has conducted since the start date you specify. NB. this report will take some time to run.
InterPublish is a web-based application for the automated monitoring, capture and distribution of internet content.
The background
Libraries have always played the vital role of keeping patrons across the latest developments in their field. In the past librarians have built extensive physical collections of paper-based publications. Now in the 21st century much news and information is published quickly and conveniently on the internet. Increasingly documents may never find their way into paper publication.
The challenge for libraries is to keep across the volume of new and relevant content published on the internet, bring it to the attention of the library's patrons ...
The Fetch emails page provides a tool that is useful when one or more mailboxes are being monitored.
InterPublish is able to monitor mailboxes for content matching the specified search criteria and, as with other document types, scans can be scheduled for any time but typically occur overnight.
Email communications are sometimes time-critical so this page also provides a tool for the librarian to initiate an adhoc scan of monitored mailboxes should it be required.
If you receive an error message when you visit this page it means that either:
your site is not yet configured to monitor a mailbox, or
your site is configured but there is an error in the configuration, ...
Glossary of terms
This is a list of terms and their meaning as used in the InterPublish documentation:
accept a document
A document is judged by a librarian to be of further interest to patrons.
The InterPublish application administrator in your organisation.
Notification to patrons about documents of interest.
InterPublish downloads documents that have met its search criteria.
Specifying the parameters InterPublish will use to scan for documents of interest.
An article, story, post, email, tweet or other viable item of internet content which ...
The Manage sites page is used by Administrators to define the sites to be monitored by InterPublish.
The major functions on this page allow you to:
Add a new site - to the list of sites that InterPublish is monitoring
Instance name: all the sites monitored by a particular library are said to belong to a single 'Instance'
Site ID: created automatically and cannot be modified
Site name: the name you give to the site being monitored
Site URL: the URL of the site or page to be monitored
Scanning methods:
HTML: monitor a changing HTML page by scanning it using XPath
RSS: monitor a changing RSS feed
SITESEARCH: search a site using the Google Search API
Access helpful information about using InterPublish from any page. You may:
hover over a button or field to see a tool tip
click on the Show help button, top right of every page, to see an explanation of that page
click on the Help button on the left side of the screen to see a list of all help topics