library Services Banner

What Inter-docs offers

Inter-docs can be initially populated with patron's details from a spreadsheet or from Koha. Patron details can also be acquired from an optional self registration page or through the client creation page in the librarian's Administration area of the application.

The client request web form is one of the principal methods for capturing inter-library loan requests and can be wrapped with your corporate web page design if required. The items that patrons may request are defined by the library's policies and the configuration of the application, but may include:

  • journal requests
  • book requests
  • multimedia requests
  • reports or other requests
  • research requests

When the patron completes the request form an email is sent to the patron's own library alerting them of this event and the request is registered within the document delivery system with a status of "Awaiting Process". The request may then be forwarded by the librarian to one of the following destinations:

  • an Interloans library network for supply (GratisNet, GLASS, QShare, LILLI, q-LILLI, Tranzinfo and ALIES)
  • Libraries Australia for both inbound and outbound requests
  • another library, by creating a request fax

Inter-docs allows the patron to track the status of the request. After the request has been fulfilled, the loan of the item belonging another library can be tracked through Koha.

The tracking of items requested and loaned operates in both directions, so that inter-library loan requests from other libraries can also be managed. Journal articles may be delivered to the requesting library by email or upload. Books on loan from other libraries have return reminder options. Workflow tracking of requests recognises the following states:

  • outstanding (Book/Journal)
  • awaiting return (Book)
  • completed

Basic features

  • content discovery through our HOARDS ai-enhanced discovery system.
  • client request forms for placement of ILL and research requests
  • Inbound inter-library loan processing and tracking
  • Tracking of requests
  • Reporting and statistics
  • Sign on through intranet or single sign-on through Koha
  • Recognition of patrons and their inter-library loans within Koha
  • Integration with GratisNet, GLASS, GLINN, QShare, LILLI, Tranzinfo and other Intersearch document delivery networks

Advanced features

  • a simple, configurable client request form
  • customisation of client communication proformas & templates
  • integration with Libraries Australia, GratisNet and similar inter-library networks
  • detailed statistics and reporting

Integration with Koha

  • Single sign-on from Koha
  • Update clients from Koha's registered clients
  • Track book loans through Koha's circulation module

Updating clients from spreadsheets and web forms

  • Registered clients can be periodically updated by spreadsheet import (or directly from Koha).
  • Self registration forms are available