Yes! Trove can harvest records from your DSpace using the OAI-PMH protocol!

Let us know that you are interested in contributing to Trove, and we'll set up a metadata profile that complies with Trove's requirements.

You will also need a National Union Catalogue (NUC) code from the National Library of Australia and may also need to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to contribute. If you're already a LibrariesAustralia ...
As an administrator you have the ability to edit a large number of different functions on the site.Curation of articles in communities and collections is ideal to check if all the information in the article is correct, all the required fields are populated, or for checking urls or if links in the article require authorization.This is also useful for virus checking. To curate a collection or a single item within it, first go to the communities and collections menu ...
As an administrator you have the ability to edit a large number of different functions on the site.Curation of articles in communities and collections is ideal to check if all the information in the article is correct, all the required fields are populated, or for checking urls or if links in the article require authorization.This is also useful for virus checking. To curate a collection or a single item within it, first go to the communities and collections menu ...
DSpace access control: groupsIn the second option on the ‘access control’ drop down bar, you can create new groups and edit existing ones.Groups can be good to assessing to different collections. This is only optional. The groups task is to reject or accept any new submissions, and if one is not assigned to a particular collection, those submissions may be published automatically, without being reviewed first.Click ‘create new group’ to form another group. In this group you can add ...
DSpace access control: groupsIn the second option on the ‘access control’ drop down bar, you can create new groups and edit existing ones.Groups can be good to assessing to different collections. This is only optional. The groups task is to reject or accept any new submissions, and if one is not assigned to a particular collection, those submissions may be published automatically, without being reviewed first.Click ‘create new group’ to form another group. In this group you can add ...
DSpace CHRIS: Searching by projects/ clinical trialsBeside researchers and organizations it is possible to search by projects or clinical trials.Searches can be made by title/name, funders. Department (PI) investigators, departments (all), keywords or start date.Multiple fields can be added to add keywords included or excluded from the search, in addition to existing keywords or as an alternative to them, with AND, OR, or NOT options. Fields can be added with the blue plus box. ...
DSpace CHRIS: Searching by projects/ clinical trialsBeside researchers and organizations it is possible to search by projects or clinical trials.Searches can be made by title/name, funders. Department (PI) investigators, departments (all), keywords or start date.Multiple fields can be added to add keywords included or excluded from the search, in addition to existing keywords or as an alternative to them, with AND, OR, or NOT options. Fields can be added with the blue plus box. ...
DSpace CRIS: Browsing for researchersOther searchers can be conducted by researchers by clicking ‘researchers’ next to ‘research output.’You can search researchers either through browse or by searching by name. Browsing allows you to sort through results better for more specific searches with fewer results.Here you may search by name, department, workgroup or interests.You can enter a number of searches simultaneously to help further refine results. For more than one search, each ...
DSpace CRIS: Browsing for researchersOther searchers can be conducted by researchers by clicking ‘researchers’ next to ‘research output.’You can search researchers either through browse or by searching by name. Browsing allows you to sort through results better for more specific searches with fewer results.Here you may search by name, department, workgroup or interests.You can enter a number of searches simultaneously to help further refine results. For more than one search, each ...
DSpace CRIS: communities and collectionsDirectly above ‘research outputs’, in the ‘explore by’ box at the bottom of the page, or directly beside ‘home’ at the top, is the link to communities and collections.This is a great way to conduct a detailed search by location: here you can find articles from areas such as Cairns, Townsville, the Gold Coast, and Central Coast.Collections such as HSQ and QAS and divisions can also be found here, above and below locations. ...
DSpace CRIS: communities and collectionsDirectly above ‘research outputs’, in the ‘explore by’ box at the bottom of the page, or directly beside ‘home’ at the top, is the link to communities and collections.This is a great way to conduct a detailed search by location: here you can find articles from areas such as Cairns, Townsville, the Gold Coast, and Central Coast.Collections such as HSQ and QAS and divisions can also be found here, above and below locations. ...
Global changes can be used to change values and elements within the site. These changes apply all through the sites and can be very risky because there is no undo for this. Although backups are available, data within the site can be permanently damaged if mistakes are made within global changes.To access global changes, go to menu tools, and ‘global change.’This can be useful for situations like where an email has changed, and all the references through the site ...
Global changes can be used to change values and elements within the site. These changes apply all through the sites and can be very risky because there is no undo for this. Although backups are available, data within the site can be permanently damaged if mistakes are made within global changes.To access global changes, go to menu tools, and ‘global change.’This can be useful for situations like where an email has changed, and all the references through the site ...
On the front page, below the search bar and the ‘people’, projects/clinical trials, and publications options, there is a large image of a number of circles sitting inside a larger circle.Clicking on this can lead you to a page where this circle will appear larger. This is a great visual way to make a search for articles.Step 1: Go to the large bubble on the home page.Step 2: Click on circle to open page Hovering any of the smaller circles will give ...
On the front page, below the search bar and the ‘people’, projects/clinical trials, and publications options, there is a large image of a number of circles sitting inside a larger circle.Clicking on this can lead you to a page where this circle will appear larger. This is a great visual way to make a search for articles.Step 1: Go to the large bubble on the home page.Step 2: Click on circle to open page Hovering any of the smaller circles will give ...
DSpace CRIS: Import metadataDifferent information and changes can be imported into metadata, which can be interpreted through a spreadsheet. One file will contain the data of all items within a collection, which is displayed and can be read through a spreadsheet.To import metadata, go to content drop down menu, and then ‘import metadata’ here you will be asked to upload the file containing the data you wish to import into the system. The system will automatically read all the data within the ...
DSpace CRIS: Import metadataDifferent information and changes can be imported into metadata, which can be interpreted through a spreadsheet. One file will contain the data of all items within a collection, which is displayed and can be read through a spreadsheet.To import metadata, go to content drop down menu, and then ‘import metadata’ here you will be asked to upload the file containing the data you wish to import into the system. The system will automatically read all the data within the ...
Another use of prosentient extensions is to move submissions to other collections. This can be done by going to ‘tools,’ and ‘move items between collections.’ All the collections are shown to the right. You can select which collection you are moving items to, and search for specific items you want to move with the ‘search item’ bar. Click ‘move’ on each item to move it to the collection you wants to move it to.You can also ...
Another use of prosentient extensions is to move submissions to other collections. This can be done by going to ‘tools,’ and ‘move items between collections.’ All the collections are shown to the right. You can select which collection you are moving items to, and search for specific items you want to move with the ‘search item’ bar. Click ‘move’ on each item to move it to the collection you wants to move it to.You can also ...
Extensions offer a few other different methods of administration. Your login to prosentient extensions should be the same as your admin login. .Admin.php is another useful admin page where you can see controlled vocabulary updates, make global changes and perform changes to the site itself.Going to metadata/ controlled vocab updates can allow you to update the names that read in different fields, and value sets, input fields you enter in submission sets. Change ...
Extensions offer a few other different methods of administration. Your login to prosentient extensions should be the same as your admin login. .Admin.php is another useful admin page where you can see controlled vocabulary updates, make global changes and perform changes to the site itself.Going to metadata/ controlled vocab updates can allow you to update the names that read in different fields, and value sets, input fields you enter in submission sets. Change ...
Either at the bottom of the page under ‘communities and collections’ in the ‘explore by’ box, or at the top of the page next to ‘home’ and ‘communities and collections’ you can enter ‘research outputs’, a more advanced search options.1. At the top left of the page is a browse option which will allow you to search by site, author, title, type, issue date, or subject.2. At the top right is a advanced search where you can add and enter any number of ...
Either at the bottom of the page under ‘communities and collections’ in the ‘explore by’ box, or at the top of the page next to ‘home’ and ‘communities and collections’ you can enter ‘research outputs’, a more advanced search options.1. At the top left of the page is a browse option which will allow you to search by site, author, title, type, issue date, or subject.2. At the top right is a advanced search where you can add and enter any number of ...
Filters can be applied to search results to help refine the searches.The simplest way to use filters is with the title/name, and the ‘contains’ or ‘not contains’ options.Here you can filter our results that contain or do not contain other words to help further refine your search.More than one filter can be added, in fact, any number of filters can be added to help refine the search. You can delete any of these by clicking the X icon on that filter.ID and equals ...
Filters can be applied to search results to help refine the searches.The simplest way to use filters is with the title/name, and the ‘contains’ or ‘not contains’ options.Here you can filter our results that contain or do not contain other words to help further refine your search.More than one filter can be added, in fact, any number of filters can be added to help refine the search. You can delete any of these by clicking the X icon on that filter.ID and equals ...
By clicking on ‘name’ you can go to a different search.Here you can search by the first letter in the last name of the researcher, or make a search for the last name directly. Results can be displayed either ascending or descending and from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 100 results can be included per page.The email and translated name, if available, can be found beside the name of the researcher. ...
By clicking on ‘name’ you can go to a different search.Here you can search by the first letter in the last name of the researcher, or make a search for the last name directly. Results can be displayed either ascending or descending and from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 100 results can be included per page.The email and translated name, if available, can be found beside the name of the researcher. ...
Beside ‘researchers’ and ‘research outputs’ you can search by organization, department or school. You can search keywords by title name or start date.Once again, more than one keyword may be searched at once. Search fields are added by clicking on the blue cross.These keywords can be those to be eliminated from the search, included in addition to the first search, or an alternative included, with the AND, OR, or NOT options. ...
Beside ‘researchers’ and ‘research outputs’ you can search by organization, department or school. You can search keywords by title name or start date.Once again, more than one keyword may be searched at once. Search fields are added by clicking on the blue cross.These keywords can be those to be eliminated from the search, included in addition to the first search, or an alternative included, with the AND, OR, or NOT options. ...
Quotes are also useful if you wish to search using the project number, HREC reference, or SSA reference to find the article.These can all be entered into the search bar with quotes to find the specific article associated with these codes. Projects will have a HREC and/or SSA reference.With a HREC ref. ...
Quotes are also useful if you wish to search using the project number, HREC reference, or SSA reference to find the article.These can all be entered into the search bar with quotes to find the specific article associated with these codes. Projects will have a HREC and/or SSA reference.With a HREC ref. ...
DORA has two basic search functions.You may either search normally or in ‘quotes’ for phrase. A normal search will provide results in a way similar to how Google does – by presenting an article where any of these words come up somewhere in the article with the best matches ranked at the topAdding quotes will make a more specific search providing results only for the specific phrase contained that quote.This is better if a more specific search is in ...
DORA has two basic search functions.You may either search normally or in ‘quotes’ for phrase. A normal search will provide results in a way similar to how Google does – by presenting an article where any of these words come up somewhere in the article with the best matches ranked at the topAdding quotes will make a more specific search providing results only for the specific phrase contained that quote.This is better if a more specific search is in ...
CRIS module: researcher pagesTo edit an existing researcher’s profile or create a new one, go to ‘researcher pages’ the first link listed on the screen.Click ‘add a researcher profile’ to create a new researcher profile.The red fields are the only mandatory ones. Clicking on the blue cross will allow you to enter multiple fields in this particular area. Going to ‘view all researchers’ will allow you to look at all the existing researcher’s profiles.Clicking one of these ...
CRIS module: researcher pagesTo edit an existing researcher’s profile or create a new one, go to ‘researcher pages’ the first link listed on the screen.Click ‘add a researcher profile’ to create a new researcher profile.The red fields are the only mandatory ones. Clicking on the blue cross will allow you to enter multiple fields in this particular area. Going to ‘view all researchers’ will allow you to look at all the existing researcher’s profiles.Clicking one of these ...
OpenAIRE4 OpenAIRE is a set of guidelines and standards designed to ensure that repositories are interoperable with the OpenAIRE infrastructure, which supports open access to research outputs across Europe. Here's how OpenAIRE works in DSpace versions 7 and 8:OpenAIRE OverviewOpenAIRE guidelines focus on enhancing metadata quality and interoperability. They include specific requirements for metadata elements, controlled vocabularies, and the exposure of metadata through OAI-PMH (Open ...
Role of Crosswalks in DSpaceCrosswalks in DSpace are software modules that translate metadata from one format to another. They are used in two main contexts:1. Ingestion Crosswalks: These interpret external metadata formats and convert them into DSpace's internal format.2. Dissemination Crosswalks: These convert DSpace's internal metadata format into external formats for sharing with other systems of Crosswalks1. Dublin ...
DSpace accepts all manner of digital formats. Some examples of items that DSpace can accommodate are:Documents, such as articles, preprints, working papers, technical reports, conference papersBooksThesesData setsComputer programsVisualizations, simulations, and other modelsMultimedia publicationsAdministrative recordsPublished booksOverlay journalsBibliographic datasetsImagesAudio filesVideo filese-formatted digital library collectionsLearning objectsWeb pages ...
Once they are formed, groups can then be assigned to different collections to reject or accept new submissions.You will be given the option to add different groups to a new collection you have added as an administrator.You can also edit submitters – to do this go to ‘submitters’ within communities and collectionsSelect the collection you want to change and the group you want to assign it to, and then click ‘add policy.’You can also sue ...
Once they are formed, groups can then be assigned to different collections to reject or accept new submissions.You will be given the option to add different groups to a new collection you have added as an administrator.You can also edit submitters – to do this go to ‘submitters’ within communities and collectionsSelect the collection you want to change and the group you want to assign it to, and then click ‘add policy.’You can also sue ...
DSpace: Access control - E-peopleAs an administrator you have the ability to define who is allowed to submit, accept and reject in any particular collection.You can also create groups and assign them to collections, and change the access control of existing collections. This is all done in the ‘access control’ tab at the top of the administration screen.You can administer e-people by clicking the first option, ‘e-people’ and then selecting an e-person to administer. Then click save, and ...
DSpace: Access control - E-peopleAs an administrator you have the ability to define who is allowed to submit, accept and reject in any particular collection.You can also create groups and assign them to collections, and change the access control of existing collections. This is all done in the ‘access control’ tab at the top of the administration screen.You can administer e-people by clicking the first option, ‘e-people’ and then selecting an e-person to administer. Then click save, and ...
DSpace: Authorising submissions as an administratorAs an administrator you have the ability to approve any submissions made.To do this, go back to the admin menu and click on content again, this time going to the option ‘workflow.’You can approve or reject new submissions here, including the ones you yourself have made. ...
DSpace: Authorising submissions as an administratorAs an administrator you have the ability to approve any submissions made.To do this, go back to the admin menu and click on content again, this time going to the option ‘workflow.’You can approve or reject new submissions here, including the ones you yourself have made. ...
The CHRIS module is useful for finding specific projects and editing fields within them. It also allows you to edit researchers on the site and create profiles for new ones.The CHRIS module is another tool at the top of the screen. You will be taken to a screen that looks like this:The CHRIS module can be used to review things, create projects (in projects/clinical projects, add projects), and also edit existing projects – this can be done by searching for them with the ...
The CHRIS module is useful for finding specific projects and editing fields within them. It also allows you to edit researchers on the site and create profiles for new ones.The CHRIS module is another tool at the top of the screen. You will be taken to a screen that looks like this:The CHRIS module can be used to review things, create projects (in projects/clinical projects, add projects), and also edit existing projects – this can be done by searching for them with the ...
DSpace: submitting and editing as an administrator in collectionsAdministrators have all the privileges of a regular submitter, but they also have the ability to approve or reject their own submissions, or in fact choose whether submissions in particular areas need to be improved or not.The admin menu looks like this: If you go to your account, and then administration, you can then find a number of different administration tools.To begin with, we will focus on submitting and editing ...
DSpace: submitting and editing as an administrator in collectionsAdministrators have all the privileges of a regular submitter, but they also have the ability to approve or reject their own submissions, or in fact choose whether submissions in particular areas need to be improved or not.The admin menu looks like this: If you go to your account, and then administration, you can then find a number of different administration tools.To begin with, we will focus on submitting and editing ...
DSpace: tier of privilleges1: Anonymous userThe lowest tier of security is an anonymous user, who can only access collections visible to everyone. This user cannot access any of the other features of the site.2: Registered userA registered user can access content available only to certain groups, as well as receiving subscriber feed but still cannot submit.3: SubmitterA submitter can contribute to the site by submitting documents themselves, which will await moderation by a higher level admin. ...
DSpace: tier of privilleges1: Anonymous userThe lowest tier of security is an anonymous user, who can only access collections visible to everyone. This user cannot access any of the other features of the site.2: Registered userA registered user can access content available only to certain groups, as well as receiving subscriber feed but still cannot submit.3: SubmitterA submitter can contribute to the site by submitting documents themselves, which will await moderation by a higher level admin. ...
As an administrator, it is possible to create new collections. To do this, go back to ‘communities and collections,’ and go to the admin tools bar and select, ‘create top-level community.’If you want to create a collection, click on any division and on admin tools the second option should read ‘create collection.’Do not uncheck the first two boxes.Once you have finished filling out all the fields, click ‘next’. You can select ‘not ...
As an administrator, it is possible to create new collections. To do this, go back to ‘communities and collections,’ and go to the admin tools bar and select, ‘create top-level community.’If you want to create a collection, click on any division and on admin tools the second option should read ‘create collection.’Do not uncheck the first two boxes.Once you have finished filling out all the fields, click ‘next’. You can select ‘not ...
Multiple fields can be added to add keywords included or excluded from the search, in addition to existing keywords or as an alternative to them, with AND, OR, or NOT options.Fields can be added with the blue plus box.Beside the title of the project you can find the HREC reference, start and end date of the project, and a contact email for the person responsible for the project. ...
Multiple fields can be added to add keywords included or excluded from the search, in addition to existing keywords or as an alternative to them, with AND, OR, or NOT options.Fields can be added with the blue plus box.Beside the title of the project you can find the HREC reference, start and end date of the project, and a contact email for the person responsible for the project. ...
Each DSpace service is comprised of Communities – groups that contribute content to DSpace – and Communities in turn each have Collections, which contain the content items, or files. In a university environment, for example, Communities might be departments, labs, research centers, schools, or some other administrative unit within an institution. Communities determine their own content guidelines and decide who has access to the community's contributions. An administrator on the DSpace team, ...
We can host your dspace on our servers, or we can provide support for hosting dspace on your servers. For repositories of 100GB it is more cost effective to host on your own servers. For repositories 100GB it is very cost efficient for us to host your repository for you. I you make use of dspace DOI persistant links (handles) then you can always move the dspace repositories to your own servers at a future date.