Can I restrict visibility of suggestions in acquisitions to only my branch?


We are pleased to announce the release of a new system preference for Koha:IndependantSuggestions


This system preference allows you to limit suggestions that you see in acqusitions to your branch only. This is an alternative to the system preference IndependantBranches (which also alllows this but restricts the visibility of other items as well).

When ordered through acquisitions, Suggestions are now also correctly marked ORDERED once processed (they were staying in status APPROVED).

To use this feature, click on Administration then click Global System Preferences.    Click on the Local Use tab and then click on the New preference button a system preference as follows:

Explanation:Show only my suggestions in Acquisitions


Value: 1

Type: YesNo


 Independant Suggestions system preferance

FAQ Category
We are pleased to announce the release of a new system preference for Koha:IndependantSuggestions.This system preference allows you to limit suggestions that you see in acqusitions to your branch only. This is an alternative to the system preference IndependantBranches (which also alllows this but restricts the visibility of other items as well).When ordered through acquisitions, Suggestions are now also ...
Suggestions; Acquisitions; Branch; Independantsuggestions; System; Preference; Administration; Global; Preferences; Local