This page allows you to review the shared resources in your network.
  • You may upload resources to this area.
  • Documents in this area are visible only to members who are logged into the system.
  • While this area is commonly used for delivery of Document Delivery (DD) requests, it can also be used to load minutes and other documents/resources relevant to GRATISNET members.

Contact the email if you need additional resource categories to be added to this menu.

  • In the case of general documents such as reports or minutes, the library that uploads the document and Gratisnet administrators are able to a delete/remove these documents from the resource area.
  • In the case of DD uploads the recieving library can delete the file after they have saved it. They are unable to delete it if they are the sender.
  • It is good practice to remove the file from the upload area after you have passed it onto your client
  • DD items are automatically cleared after 30 days.
  • Headings can be clicked to sort by resource type, name or creation date (Javascript must be enabled - does not work for all browsers). Email if you wish to have additional document categories added.
i. Click on the Resources button from the internet home page.

You will see a list of shared documents and Document Delivery files.

If you have uploaded a shared document (not DD) you have the ability to remove this at any time. 

If you have been sent a PDF/DD document, you will see a delete option allowing you as the recieving library to remove the document from the resources area.
Document delivery items are stored for 30 days and are automatically removed.

FAQ Category
This page allows you to review the shared resources in your network. You may upload resources to this area. Documents in this area are visible only to members who are logged into the system. While this area is commonly used for delivery of Document Delivery (DD) requests, it can also be used to load minutes and other documents/resources relevant to GRATISNET members. Contact the email if you need additional resource categories to be added to this menu. ...