You can list all your print, electronic holdings and your missing issues using the 'My Holdings' page. You reach this from the home page using the "view/edit my holdings" link (see below).

Holdings can also be updated:
  • individually using the Search button

  • updated all at once using the "holdings update" in Administration option

  • by adding electronic subscriptions

  • The guidelines below show how to update your holdings for an individual title using the My Holdings link. See the "Electronic collections" instructions for further information on subscribing to a consortia collection.

    1 Go to the GRATISNET
  • intranet home page
  • . Look for the View/Edit My Holdings link and click this link.


    2 You will see a list of holdings divided into three sections:

    1. Your print holdings

    2. Your electronic holdings

    3. Your missing issues

    There is a link at the top of each section to help move between each list.
    3 Simply click the edit link against the holdings you wish to edit.

    The holdings maintenance page will be displayed. Enter the following information:

    URL - a link to your internal OPAC, if required
    Formats held - Indicate your print and electronic holdings
    Delivery - Indicate your lending conditions - by default both print and electronic delivery will be allowed
    Holdings - Supply your holdings statement - refer to section 6.6 for guidelines on formatting your holdings
    Missing issues - Indicate your missing issues - you will then receive email alerts if duplicates are registered for these missing issues.

    You can use the Preview Holdings button to preview how your new holdings statement will look in the INDEXILILSYSTEM search page.
    4 If you have misssing issues for this journal, you can enter these missing issues at the bottom of this page (scroll down)
    5 Click the Save button to save your holdings amendment

    FAQ Category
    You can list all your print, electronic holdings and your missing issues using the 'My Holdings' page. You reach this from the home page using the "view/edit my holdings" link (see below).Holdings can also be updated: individually using the Search button updated all at once using the "holdings update" in Administration option by adding electronic subscriptions The guidelines below show how to update your holdings for an individual title using the My Holdings link. See the ...