Keep in mind that when you post a message to the GRATISNET List Serve, all subscribed List Serve members in all states are reading the message. Therefore it is important not to clog up the List Serve with unnecessary messages. Here are a few etiquette rules to remember:
Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, NUC symbol, Library name and your e-mail address.
Use a specific and concise topic for the subject line.
Reply to the entire list serve if everyone will benefit from the information. If you would like to thank someone for his or her response, please send your message directly to that person, not the entire list.
When replying to duplicates lists, please reply only to the offering library. Most libraries would appreciate only your needs being sent not the whole duplicates list again.
Unnecessary broadcast responses are the most common (and annoying) mistake new list serve users make. Use your "reply" button ONLY if you really want to send a response to everyone. In all other cases, paste the sender's e-mail address and "subject" at the top of a brand new e-mail message, and send your response to that person only.
If your e-mail or fax is not working, please change your details on the GRATISNET website. By removing your e-mail address from your details page, only a fax form will be automatically generated. If your fax is not working please put a
message in the notes field and it will display when the request form is viewed.
If your library is going to be closed, please use the "Temporary Closure" section on your library's detail page. There is no need to post a message to the list serve.
We hope that by following these simple rules it will make our e-mail boxes emptier and our lives easier. A Google search on "list serve etiquette" produces many other hints to keep in mind when posting messages.
message in the notes field and it will display when the request form is viewed.
FAQ Category
Keep in mind that when you post a message to the GRATISNET List Serve, all subscribed List Serve members in all states are reading the message. Therefore it is important not to clog up the List Serve with unnecessary messages. Here are a few etiquette rules to remember: Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, NUC symbol, Library name and your e-mail address. Use a specific and concise topic for the subject line. Reply to the entire list serve if everyone will benefit ...