Term Definition
BBCode BBCode is a restricted variant of HTML that allows limited markup in web-based text boxes (eg bold,italic, incuding images) while preventing code insertion of more dangerous HTML code
Cookies This site uses session cookies. These small items of information are used to allow us to identify your access to our system. They are destroyed when you close your browser and when you log off
CSV Comma Separated Variable list - a common output format which can be imported into Excel and databases. Each row comprises one record/line and each column is separated by commas
CYO Current Year Only
DX DX Mail is a private document exchange service
EFREE EFREE is a "library" containing all currently registered open access journals, including their embargo information if known
Embargo An embargo is a period of time during which electronic copies of a journal are not available. For instance a journal provider may not allow the electronic version of an open access journal to be accessed for the first 12 months after publication. Embargo rules vary according to provider and the licensing restrictions of the journal publisher
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language - web pages and web forms are coded using HTML
ILL Inter-Library Loan
Inter-Search Inter-Search Inter-Library Loan System - has been developed by Prosentient Systems and is used by over 400 libraries in Australia/New Zealand
Intranet Home Page The intranet home page is the first page you see when you log in. You can reach this by clicking on the Home button
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ISSN International Standard Serial Number
NUC NUC is your library login id and call sign ("National Union Catalogue") OR otherwise known as NUCOS
OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue
Open Access Open Access is a term which refers to journals which are provided in electronic form with no access fees. Such journals often have an embargo period
PDF Portable Data Format - An Adobe document encoding format popular for electronic document exchange
Resources area The resources area is used to upload documents to be visible internally to network members, and as a temporary drop point for document delivery items such as PDF documents. Document Delivery items are automatically removed after a month if they are not removed by the receiving library
URL Uniform Resource Locator - or "website link"

FAQ Category
Term Definition BBCode BBCode is a restricted variant of HTML that allows limited markup in web-based text boxes (eg bold,italic, incuding images) while preventing code insertion of more dangerous HTML code ...