Receiving issues
Only staff with the
receive_serials permission
(or the superlibrarian permission)
will be able to receive issues of existing serial subscriptions.
Only staff with the receive_serials permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to receive issues of existing serial subscriptions.
Issues can be marked as received from several locations. To find a subscription, use the search box at the top of the Serials page to search for the serial you’d like to receive issues for:
From the search results you can click the ‘Serial receive’ button or you can click on the subscription title and then click the ‘Receive’ button.
The final way to receive serials is from the ‘Serial collection’ page. To the left of the Subscription summary page there is a menu with a link to ‘Serial collection’
From the page that opens up, check the issue(s) you want to receive (the expected ones should be checked by default) and click ‘Edit serials’.
All three of these options will open up the issue receive form:
Choose ‘Arrived’ from the status drop-down menu to mark an issue as received.
If you have decided to have an item record created for each issue an item add form will appear after choosing ‘Arrived’. You can add multiple copies using the ‘Number of copies to be made of this item’ option at the bottom of the form.
If your issue has a supplemental issue with it, fill in the Supplemental issue information.
Key the entire numbering in the box after “Supplemental issue” no numbering will be inherited/auto-filled from the main issue, and exactly what you key in the box after “Supplemental issue” will be auto-filled in the item record’s Serial enumeration/chronology [MARC21 952$h] (if you create item records).
E.g., key this in its entirety if it’s what you would like displayed: “v.69 no.3 (Mar. 2015) suppl.”
If you have decided to have an item record created for each issue an item add form will appear for your supplement and for the issue itself
Once you have entered your info you can click ‘Save’