Renewing subscriptions
Only staff with the
renew_subscription permission
(or the superlibrarian permission)
will be able to renew existing serial subscriptions.
Only staff with the renew_subscription permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to renew existing serial subscriptions.
If your serial subscription has expired you won’t be able to receive issues. To renew your subscription you can click the ‘Renew’ button at the top of your subscription detail page.
Once you click the ‘Renew’ button you will be presented with renewal options.
Start date: enter the date your subscription period starts.
Subscription length: enter the number of issues, weeks or months your subscription lasts
Library: enter the library for which this subscription is, this will only appear if RenewSerialAddsSuggestion is set to ‘Add’
Note for the librarian that will manage your renewal request: enter any notes you might have about this renewal. This will only appear if RenewSerialAddsSuggestion is set to ‘Add’
Click ‘Submit’.
If your RenewSerialAddsSuggestion system preference is enabled, renewing a subscription will create a purchase suggestion in the acquisitions module so that your acquisitions staff can manage it.