Serial statuses

When receiving an issue, you change the status of the issue to ‘Arrived’. There are more statuses that can be used to describe serial issues.

Expected: this is the status that is automatically assigned to a new issue when it is created. It means the issue hasn’t arrived, but it is not late yet.

Arrived: this is the status used when receiving an issue. It means the issue has been received by the library.

Circulating: this status means the issue is circulating through a printed routing list. It is not assigned automatically, but you can use it to indicate to patrons that it is not currently available.


This status is only available when the current status is not ‘Expected’.

Out for binding: use this status if you send issues to be bound in volumes. If you create items for each serial issue, you can also use the preservation module to track items sent out to be bound. If you don’t create items, you can use this status to track which issue was sent out.


This status is only available when the current status is not ‘Expected’.

Bound: use this status to indicate that this issue is bound in a volume.


This status is only available when the current status is not ‘Expected’.

Late: this status means the issue still has not arrived and the date you expected it to arrive has passed. The late date is determined by the publication date and the grace period entered in the subscription. This status is automatically assigned to ‘Expected’ issues if a new one is created by clicking ‘Generate next’ in the Serial collection section. It can also be applied automatically using the cron job. If you manually set an issue to ‘Late’, the next one will automatically be generated.

Missing: you can assign this status to issues that are missing. If you don’t create an item for each serial issue, this can be used to indicate which issue is missing (if an item is created, you can use the item’s lost status instead of or in addition to the issue’s status). More specific missing statuses are also available.

Missing (never received): use this status to indicate that the issue was never received from the vendor.

Missing (sold out): use this status to indicate that the issue is no longer available to purchase.

Missing (damaged): use this status to indicate that the issue was damaged and is no longer available.

Missing (lost): use this status to indicate that the issue has been lost.

Claimed: this status means that the issue still has not arrived, but a claim was sent to the vendor. It is automatically assigned through the claim process, but can be assigned manually if you don’t send the claims through Koha.

Not available: you can assign this status to issues that are not available, for any reason.

Delete: if you choose this status and save, the issue will be deleted, and the next one will be created.

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FAQ Category
Serial statuses When receiving an issue, you change the status of the issue to ‘Arrived’. There are more statuses that can be used to describe serial issues. Note See also: Serials table in the FAQ section. Expected: this is the status that is automatically assigned to a new issue when it is created. It means the issue hasn’t arrived, but it is not late yet. Arrived: this is the status used when receiving an issue. It means the issue has been received by the library. Circulating: this status means the issue is circulating through a printed routing list. It is not assigned automatically, but you can use it to indicate to patrons that it is not currently available. Note This ...
Serials; Statuses; Arrived; Circulating; Binding; Bound; Missing; Claimed; Available; Delete; Subscription; Publication; Preservation; Item; Vendor