The Manage email lists page is used by Administrators to maintain lists of patrons sharing a common research interest and wishing to receive alerts about particular kinds of new content.

Each email list is associated with one or more website search groups. Search groups are collections of websites that will be monitored using particular search terms designed to cater to the interests of a particular email list.  There might be an email list for members of the management team who are interested in any new publications that mention the name of their company or their company's  competitors.  Another list may be designed for staff who are collaborating on a particular issue in the public domain, eg. population ageing. 

Many of your patrons may wish to subscribe to multiple search groups based on their own portfolio of interests.  Wherever possible try and see how individuals can be grouped with others in existing llists before you start another one.  This will simplify things administratively - but sometimes it may be necessary to create an email list with only one member.  

If a patron is a member of multiple lists, it is quite possible that several of those lists are associated with a particular search group, but InterPublish will recognise the situation and only send one alert from that group to the individual. 

The  functions on this page allow you to:

  • Add a new email list- to the email groups that InterPublish will send alerts to
  • Search - for a keyword in the records of existing email lists
  • Modify - an existing email list
  • Delete - an existing email list
FAQ Category
The Manage email lists page is used by Administrators to maintain lists of patrons sharing a common research interest and wishing to receive alerts about particular kinds of new content.
Each email list is associated with one or more website search groups. Search groups are collections of websites that will be monitored using particular search terms designed to cater to the interests of a particular email list. There might be an email list for members of the management team who are interested in any new publications that mention the name of their company or their company's competitors. Another list may be designed for staff who are ...
Email; Lists; Research; Interest; Content; Website; Search; Groups; Patrons; Managers; Publications; Competitors; Issue; Domain; Portfolio; Administratively; Simplify; Recognise; Situation; Alert; Group