On the Manage search group page you can modify the details of the chosen search group and the sites associated with it.

The following details about a particular search group can be modified:

  • search group name and status - change the details as required and click Save and Close
  • the sites this search group is monitoring - use the action links to enable/disable sites available to this search group. If the site required is not listed it will first need to be configured using the Manage Sites function under Setup.
  • the search terms being used - search terms specific to a site in the context of this group are maintained  through the edit search terms action link.
FAQ Category
On the Manage search group page you can modify the details of the chosen search group and the sites associated with it.

The following details about a particular search group can be modified:

search group name and status - change the details as required and click Save and Close
the sites this search group is monitoring - use the action links to enable/disable sites available to this search group. If the site required is not listed it will first need to be configured using the Manage Sites function under Setup.
the search terms being used - search terms specific to a site in the context of this group are maintained through the edit search terms action link.