
From the ERM Home page click on the Reports link in the left-hand menu.

Get there: More > E-resource management > Reports

Click the ‘Create Report’ tab to create a new report.

On the Reports home page, you will see a list of any ‘Saved reports’ and also the ability to ‘Create report’.

Usage statistics reports open on the Saved reports tab, with the message: "You have not saved any reports yet, please create a report."

Create report

Usage statistics reports are located under the ERM module rather than the general Koha reporting module because of the unique nature of the statistical data.

Usage statistics reports open on the Create report tab. There are multiple parameters available: data display ('by month' is selected), data provider, report, metric type, access type, start year, start month, end year, end month, keyword, report columns, date display method.

Select report data

Data display (Required)

Depending on the nature of the data you are looking at, you have a number of data displays: both monthly and annual counts, with or without totals; counts by metric type, Total or Unique item requests. You can also use data provider totals to get a single overall count.

In the Create report form, the Data display field has a dropdown with the options: by month, by month with period total, by year, by metric type, by data provider totals.

Choose data provider

You can specifically look at data for a single Data Provider (platform) by selecting the data provider from the dropdown list.

In the Create report form, the Choose data provided field is highlighted. The provider Proquest has already been selected.

Choose report (Required)

Once you have selected a data provider, you can only select a report type that is in use in the data provider record. So, if the data provider supports TR_J1 and TR_J2 for example, these are the only report types you will see listed.

If you select the report type before the provider, this will limit the drop-down list of providers to those who support that report type.

In the Create report form, the Choose report field has a dropdown with the options: "TR_J1 - Journal requests (excluding OA_Gold)" and "TR_J2 - Journal access denied"

Choose metric type

The metric types which display depend on the report type you have selected. Some metric types only apply to certain report types. For example, TR_J1 supports Total Item Requests and Unique Item Requests whereas PR_P1 will give you Searches platform.

If you don’t select a metric type, all metric types will be displayed in your report.

In the Create report form, the Choose metric type field has a dropdown with the options: Total item requests, Unique item requests.

Choose access type

For some very specific reports (e.g. TR_J3 and TR_B3) the data is broken down further into access types. When you select one of these reports, you will see that the access type field becomes active and offers an option of Controlled and OA_Gold.

Start year (Required)

You must provide a start year for your report data.

Start month

You can (optionally) specify a month if you are trying to look at data for a specific period.

End year (Required)

You must provide an end year for your report data.

End month

You can (optionally) specify a month if you are trying to look at data for a specific period.

In the Create report form, the focus is on the date fields: Start year, Start month, End year, End month.


Once you have selected a specific data provider, you can use the Keyword option to search for a specific title. This allows you to see statistics for a particular publication.

In the Create report form, the term "anim" has been typed in the Keyword field. A dropdown list of results appears underneath, with the options "Animal Conservation", "Animal Genetics" and "Animal Science Journal".

Select report columns

By default, the Provider name is output to your report but you can also include additional data which is included in your COUNTER report such as Publisher, DOI, etc.

In the Create report form, the Select report columns section has checkboxes for Provider name, Publisher, Platform, Publisher ID, Online ISSN, Print ISSN, DOI, URI.

Check the COUNTER documentation for information about all the COUNTER reports.

Select date display method

When set to Yes, the data will always be listed by a 12-month period from January to December. This is to make the report readable on the screen. On the report output, you will have the option to toggle by year if you have selected data for more than one year.

When set to No, you will have one column for every month selected. Obviously, if you have many months selected you may be required to use your scrollbar to navigate the results on the page.

You can save your report by entering a name and selecting ‘Save report’.

In the Create report form, the focus is on the 'Save report' button. In the text box next to it, the words 'Wiley monthly statistics for 2023' have been entered.

Saved reports

Once you have created a report, it will appear on the ‘Saved reports’ tab for future use.

On the Usage statistics Saved reports tab, the Choose report dropdown list is open. 'Wiley monthly statistics for 2023' is the first option.

In order to Delete a saved report, use the Delete button on the Saved reports page once you have selected the report you would like to delete.

On the Usage statistics Saved reports tab, the report 'Wiley monthly statistics for 2023' is selected. The focus is on the Delete report button underneath.

Once your report is set up select Submit to run the query. A report with data display set to Yes will look like this

Report results view. At the top is an option to 'Display by year' set to 2023. The table of results has the following columns: Title, Data provider, DOI, Metric; plus a column for each month from January to December.

Take note of the ‘Display by year’ toggle at the top. If there is more than one year, you can use this to update the table with data from previous years.

When you select No, you will be offered a list of months to select/deselect.

In the Create report form, the focus is on the Date display method. The option ticked is 'No - table will include one column for each month of data selected'. A section called 'Select months to display' appears underneath, with some months ticked.

Because of the number of months selected the report may scroll off to the right of your page.


Make sure you have harvested the latest data from your provider before you run the report. You can either do this manually by clicking ‘Run now’ in the data provider home screen, or you can use the harvesting cron job to automatically harvest data at regular intervals.

© Copyright Copyleft - Written by the Koha Community and published under the GNU Public General License.. Last updated on 2025-02-21 01:02:54.

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FAQ Category
Reports From the ERM Home page click on the Reports link in the left-hand menu. Get there: More E-resource management Reports Click the ‘Create Report’ tab to create a new report. On the Reports home page, you will see a list of any ‘Saved reports’ and also the ability to ‘Create report’. Create report Usage statistics reports are located under the ERM module rather than the general Koha reporting module because of the unique nature of the statistical data. Select report data Data display (Required) Depending on the nature of the data you are looking at, you have a number of data displays: both monthly and annual counts, with or without totals; counts by ...