Circulating bundles

This feature adds the ability to create bundles of items that can be checked out as a single entity. A bundle could for example be a box of related items from your library or a collection of musical scores which need to be circulated together.

You create a collection level bibliographic record and add items to it in the usual way. Those items can then be converted to a bundle by adding existing item records to them using their barcodes. The items will remain attached to their original records and be marked as ‘not for loan’.


First you need to make some configuration choices.

Item types - you may want to create a separate item type to identify your bundles.

Circulation rules - you can optionally create circulation rules for your bundle item type.

There are two system preferences which control the status values used with bundles:



Creating bundles

The bundle functionality will only be displayed if you create a catalogue record with the Leader, (000 MARC tag) position 7 set to ‘c’ for Collection.

The leader cataloging form, the values are the default ones except for position 7 Bibliographic level, which is set to c - Collection


It might be useful to have a separate MARC bibliographic framework for bundles with the ‘c’ set as a default value if you will use bundles regularly. You can also add any custom fields to the template that might be unique to bundles such as size or weight.

Your catalogue record will contain information to identify the content of the bundle.

For example, if the bundle is a box of resources for school children on the topic of oceans, the catalogue record might look something like the one shown below.

Detailed view of a record in the staff interface, it is a simple record with two items, both items have a 'Manage bundle' button on the right

Add an item record for each physical bundle. It is likely that you will want a specific item type for bundles so that you can identify them easily and create circulation rules for them. In this case the bundle has the item type COLLECTION.

An item record attached to this type of catalogue record can be converted into a bundle via the Manage bundle button on the far right-hand side of the holdings table for each item as shown below.

Adding items to bundles

Click on Manage bundle and then the Add to bundle button to add items to the bundle using the barcode of the item.

'Add to bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode

You will see a message telling you that the item has been added successfully.

'Add to bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Success: Added' followed by a barcode

When you have finished scanning in items you can click on Close and view the bundle contents. The bundle contents list can be exported or printed if required.

A section to manage the bundle is open under the bundle item, showing the attached items


Items added to bundles are still attached to their permanent catalogue record, however, they cannot be checked out individually. When added to a bundle an item’s Not for Loan status is updated and can be viewed in the holdings table of the permanent record along with a link to the bundle. The Not for Loan status can be defined in the BundleNotLoanValue system preference.

Holdings tab in a detailed record in the staff interface, one of the items has the 'Added to bundle' not for loan status, the status column also shows which bundle this item is a part of with a link to the bundle

If an item is already found to be attached to the bundle, a warning message will be displayed.

'Add to bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Warning: item xxxx already attached'

If an item has an item-level hold, a warning message will be displayed. To add the item to the bundle anyway, click ‘Ignore holds and add to bundle’. To cancel, click ‘Close’.

'Add to bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Warning: Item xxxxx is on hold' and a button to 'Ignore holds and add to bundle'

If an item cannot be added to the bundle for any other reason a failure message will display.

'Add to bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Failure: item xxxx belongs to another bundle'

Removing items from bundles

To remove an individual item from a bundle you can click on the Remove button from the Actions column of the bundle contents list.

To remove multiple items from the bundle you have two options:

Use the ‘Remove from bundle’ button from within the Manage bundle display

A section to manage the bundle is open under the bundle item, there are two buttons: 'Add to bundle' and 'Remove from bundle'

Scan in barcodes in the same way as you add items to bundles. You will see a confirmation dialogue to let you know the item has been removed.

'Remove from bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Success: Removed' followed by a barcode

If the item couldn’t be removed you will see a Failure message.

'Remove from bundle' pop-up, with a field to enter a barcode; above the field there is a message 'Failed: Barcode matched more than one item' followed by a barcode

The second way to remove multiple items is to scan the barcode of the item into the checkin box and you will be given the option to remove the item from its bundle.

Warning when checking in an item that says 'Item belongs in bundle This item belongs in a bundle' followed by the title and barcode of the bundle and a button 'Remove from bundle'

When you have finished working with a bundle you can close the contents list by clicking on the Manage bundle button again.

Circulating bundles Checkout

You can checkout a bundle in the usual way from Circulation using the barcode of the bundle. If required you can create specific circulation rules for bundles based on their item type.

Remember, once an item is within a bundle it cannot be checked out individually. If you try to do this the following alert will be displayed.

Warning message that says 'Please confirm checkout Item is normally not for loan (Added to bundle). Check out anyway?' with two buttons: Yes, checkout (Y) and No, don't check out (N)

You can see the checkout from the patron’s list of checkouts.

Checkouts tab in a patron file in the staff interface, the checked out bundle appears as a normal checkout

You can also see that the bundle is checked out from the status column of the Holdings table of the catalogue record.from the catalogue record display.

Holdings tab in a detailed record in the staff interface, the item is marked as checked out, with the name of the patron, their cardnumber and the due date


Check in bundles in the usual way from Circulation. You will then be prompted to verify the presence of each item that belongs in the bundle.

If you need to skip the verification process, click the ‘Confirm checkin without verifying bundle contents’ button. You will be able to verify the contents later.

A list of the items currently attached to the bundle, and expected to be returned, will display at the top of the dialogue. Beneath the list will be a ‘Barcodes’ box where you are expected to scan the barcodes of the returned items one by one.

Please confirm bundle contents for xxxx pop-up, the pop-up shows the list of items that should be in the bundle, showing the title, author, item type and barcode, with a field in which to scan the bundled items' barcodes. One barcode has already been scanned, and there is a message 'Verified' followed by the barcode, visually, the scanned item is in a different color in the list above

As you scan items, the matching row in the list will be highlighted to give some visual feedback. You also see a running total of items that have been checked in on the right hand side.

When you have finished scanning the returned items you can click on ‘Confirm checkin and mark missing items as lost’ or you can cancel the checkin.

If all the bundle items were marked as found you will be presented with a message to say the checkin is complete.

'Bundle verified' checkin message with a button to view the bundle contents

You can view and print a contents list.

'Bundle contents' pop-up showing the barcode and title of each bundled item; there are two buttons: Close and Print

Missing items

If some items were found to be missing during the verification stage the check in will proceed but you will be alerted to the fact that the bundle content has changed and you will be given the option to view and print an updated contents list.

Warning message 'Bundle had missing items Bundle contents list updated', there are two buttons 'View updated contents list' and 'View list of missing items'

You can also view a list of the missing items.

Items missing from bundle at checkin pop-up, showing the barcode and title of each missing item; there are two buttons: Close and Print

Any items that were missing during the verification stage will automatically be marked with an appropriate Lost status and a return claim added to track which checkout lost the contained item. You can add your own lost statuses in the LOST authorized value category and you can control which lost status is used via the BundleLostValue system preference. For example, a ‘Missing from bundle’ status as shown below.

Holdings tab in a detailed record in the staff interface, one of the items has the 'Missing from bundle' lost status, the status column also shows which bundle this item is a part of with a link to the bundle

In the Manage bundle contents view, the missing item displays with the date last seen.

A section to manage the bundle is open under the bundle item, showing the attached items, a column status indicates 'Present' for all items except two, which have 'Last seen' with a date and 'Claims returned by' with the name of the last borrower

Claims returned process

Within the patron record the missing items are listed as claims returned and can be viewed from the Claim(s) tab in the Checkouts table.

Tabs at the bottom of a patron's file in the staff interface: 0 Checkouts, 0 Holds, Claims 0 / 1, Restrictions

Click on the numbered square to view the missing items for the patron.

If an item is found it should be checked in. The checkin dialogue box will include a button to ‘Resolve’ the claim.

Warning message 'This item has been claimed as returned by' followed by the name and cardnumber of the patron and a button 'Resolve'

You are required to add a resolution reason and can optionally change the lost value of the item.

'Resolve return claim' pop-up with one field for the resolution and the new item lost value

Inventory (checking bundle contents at any time)

A verification can be triggered at any time by checking the bundle in. If the system detects that the bundle was not checked out at this point, a modified confirmation dialogue is displayed which will include all items expected to be present in the bundle, even those currently marked as lost.

Please confirm bundle contents for xxxx pop-up, the pop-up shows the list of items that should be in the bundle, showing the title, author, item type, barcode and status, with a field in which to scan the bundled items' barcodes. One item has the status 'Missing from bundle', the other items have the 'Present' status

This allows for a quick view of what should be in the bundle and what’s currently marked as missing. You can optionally cancel the checkin or choose to rescan the items to perform the verification, marking items as found or subsequently missing. As this is a checkin that is not associated with a checkout, if new items are found to be missing, we will mark them as lost but cannot associate them with a checkout and returns claim.

FAQ Category
Circulating bundles This feature adds the ability to create bundles of items that can be checked out as a single entity. A bundle could for example be a box of related items from your library or a collection of musical scores which need to be circulated together. You create a collection level bibliographic record and add items to it in the usual way. Those items can then be converted to a bundle by adding existing item records to them using their barcodes. The items will remain attached to their original records and be marked as ‘not for loan’. Configuration First you need to make some configuration choices. Item types - you may want to create a separate item type to identify your ...