

This feature was first introduced in version 23.11 of Koha.

A ‘booking’ in Koha is another way to reserve an item.

A hold is a reservation that joins a waiting list and is filled as soon as the item is available. The item is loaned for the period set in the circulation and fines rules for that library, patron category and item type.

A booking is an advance reservation filled for the dates specified. The booking period becomes the loan period.

Bookings may be especially useful for items such as models, story sacks, memory boxes, etc. that are used for events and programs at specific dates.


Staff members must have the manage_bookings permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to be able to place and manage bookings.

Make items bookable

Before items can be booked, they need to be set as ‘bookable’.

Items can be made bookable individually:

From the bibliographic record, go to the Items tab and scroll down to the relevant item’s Priority section.

Set ‘Bookable’ to ‘Yes’ to make the item bookable.

Priority section of the item details page, showing if the item is excluded from local holds priority and if it is bookable.

Alternatively, you can make all items in an item type bookable by using the Item types parameters.


The ‘Bookable’ option for item types was first introduced in version 24.11 of Koha.

To avoid clashing requests on popular items, it is advised to make the item type used for bookable items unholdable.


Bookable items can still be issued without a prior booking, according to the circulation rules for the library, patron category and item type.

Place a booking

Bookings can only be placed in the staff interface and only on items set as bookable.

If at least one of the items on a bibliographic record is bookable, the ‘Place booking’ button is displayed above the record view.

Bibliographic record view in the staff interface. The button displayed to the right of 'Place hold' is 'Place booking'.

To place a booking, click the ‘Place booking’ button. This opens the booking modal.

Place booking modal, with input fields labelled: Patron, Pickup at, Itemtype, Item, Booking dates.

Patron: enter the card number or start typing the name of the patron this booking is for.

Pickup at: choose the library where the patron will pick up the item.


This option was first introduced in version 24.05 of Koha.

Itemtype: optionally, select which item type the booking will target. This is useful when you have items of different types on the same record, each with different circulation rules.


This option was first introduced in version 24.11 of Koha.

Item: optionally, choose whether the booking can be fulfilled by any item or only by the item whose barcode you select.


Despite these options being optional, either an itemtype or a specific item has to be selected in order to unlock the booking dates picker.

Booking dates: click on a date in the calendar to make it the booking’s start date; click on another date for the booking end date. Use the cross button on the right of the input field to clear dates and start again.

Bookings on the same item cannot overlap.

Dates for which the selected item is already booked are marked on the calendar by blue dots.

Booking dates calendar widget, showing some dates in black and some greyed out with a blue dot.


This feature was first introduced in version 24.05 of Koha.

The booking cannot exceed the maximum loan period for that item type, patron category and library set out in the circulation rules. Once the booking start date is chosen, any dates beyond the maximum loan period are greyed out and cannot be selected.


The maximum loan period is calculated using: loan period + (renewal period * maximum number of renewals).

Dates that correspond to the end of the initial loan period and the renewal periods are highlighted in bold.

Booking dates calendar widget, with the start date of 7 January selected and the mouse hovering over the 17 January. 7 and 17 are highlighted with a yellow background; the dates in between with grey. 7, 14 and 21 January are in bold. Dates before 7 and after 21 are greyed out.


This feature was first introduced in version 24.11 of Koha.

Manage bookings

Bookings can be viewed, altered and cancelled from the Bookings link in the left-hand menu of the bibliographic record.

Bookings view from the bibliographic record. A calendar for all bookable items is displayed above a list of bookings. Each booking has its own placeholder in the calendar, showing the name of the patron on the line for the corresponding item. The list of bookings is a table with the columns: Item, Patron, Pickup library, Start date, End date, Actions.

Edit a booking

From the list of bookings, use the ‘Edit’ button on the booking you want to alter. This opens a modal with the same options you have when placing a booking.

Edit booking modal, with input fields labelled: Patron, Pickup at, Itemtype, Item, Booking dates. The fields for Patron, Pickup and Item are already filled.

You can also edit a booking’s dates from the calendar view above the list of bookings.

Click on a booking’s placeholder; it turns yellow and the mouse cursor changes to four arrows.

Drag and drop the booking to match your new desired dates.

A booking's placeholder on the calendar view is highlighted in yellow, with a red cross icon to the side of it.

Cancel a booking

From the calendar view , click on a booking’s placeholder. When it turns yellow, use the red cross icon to its right.

From the list of bookings, use the ‘Cancel’ button on the booking you want to alter.

After confirmation, the cancelled booking will be hidden from both the calendar and the list of bookings.

The modal has the message: 'Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?' displayed above an input box for Cancellation reason. The buttons at the bottom are: 'Yes, cancel booking' and 'No, do not cancel'.

Check out booked items

When a patron comes to collect one of their booked items, issue it following the standard checking out workflow.

Switch to Check out and search for the patron.

Scan the item barcode or enter it manually and click ‘Check out’.


The booked item’s due date will be the booking end date.

If the patron tries to collect their item earlier than the booking start date, a check out warning will appear. You can decide whether to allow the early collection and check out the item or to decline the check out.

Check out warning on a yellow background. The message says: 'Please confirm checkout. Patron has this item booked for checkout on 01/13/2025. Allow early collection?' The options are: Remember for the session for this patron; Yes, check out (Y); No, don't check out (N).


In case of an early collection, the due date will remain the original booking end date. The loan period will therefore be longer than the original booking.

FAQ Category
Bookings Version This feature was first introduced in version 23.1 of Koha. A ‘booking’ in Koha is another way to reserve an item. A hold is a reservation that joins a waiting list and is filled as soon as the item is available. The item is loaned for the period set in the circulation and fines rules for that library, patron category and item type. A booking is an advance reservation filled for the dates specified. The booking period becomes the loan period. Bookings may be especially useful for items such as models, story sacks, memory boxes, etc. that are used for events and programs at specific dates. Note Staff members must have the manage_bookings permission (or the ...
Booking; Circulation; Library; Patron; Item; Record; Calendar; Loan; Period; Permission; Staff; Interface; Bibliographic; Barcode; Cataloging; Collection; Fines; Management; Reservation; Waiting; Model; Story; Memory; Event; Program; Cataloger; Rules