
This section is used to manage background jobs. Jobs are tasks that are queued in the system to be treated when the server has the resources to do it, such as batch record modification and others.

Get there: More > Administration > Jobs


Only staff with the manage_background_jobs permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Managing jobs

By default, when accessing the page, you will only see current jobs and jobs enqueued in the last hour.

Default view of the jobs management page, checkboxes at the top are checked, to show only current and recent jobs, and the table is empty

To see all jobs, uncheck the boxes at the top of the page.

Current jobs only: uncheck this to include finished jobs

Only include jobs enqueued in the last hour: uncheck this to include jobs enqueued earlier

You can search for jobs using the search boxes under the table headings.

To the right of each job, there are action buttons.

View: this will display the details of the job, including, but not limited to:

Detailed view of a job

Job ID: this is the identifier of the job in the Koha database, an incremental number

Status: the status of the job

New: the job has been queued

Cancelled: the job was cancelled by a user

Finished: the job was successfully carried out

Started: the job was started, but it is not yet finished

Running: the job is currently being executed

Failed: the job was started, but failed for some reason

Progress: indicates how much of the job is done

Type: indicates the type of job

Batch bibliographic record modification: batch of bibliographic records to be modified.

Batch bibliographic record deletion: batch of bibliographic records to be deleted.

Batch authority record modification: batch of authority records to be modified.

Batch authority record deletion: batch of authority records to be deleted.

Batch item record modification: batch of items to be modified.

Batch item record deletion: batch of items to be deleted.

Batch hold cancellation: a batch of holds to be cancelled (when using the ‘Cancel selected’ button).

Create eHoldings titles: titles to be created from a list in the ERM module.

Update Elasticsearch index: bibliographic or authority records, or items to be updated in the Elasticsearch index. Any changes to a bibliographic or authority record, or item trigger an update of the index, including changes in circulation status.

Holds queue update: when the RealTimeHoldsQueue system preference is enabled, changes to holds trigger an update of the holds queue.

Staged MARC records for import: bibliographic or authority records to be staged for import.

Import MARC records: staged bibliographic or authority records to be imported in the catalog.

Revert import MARC records: imported bibliographic or authority records to be unimported.

Queued: date and time when the job was queued

Started: date and time when the job was started

Ended: date and time when the job was finished

Report: this section will contain messages specific to the type of job (for example, number of records modified, in the case of batch record modification)

Detailed messages: this section will contain messages specific to the type of job (for example, which records were modified, in the case of batch record modification)

Cancel: for jobs that are still new or have started, it’s possible to cancel them

FAQ Category
Jobs This section is used to manage background jobs. Jobs are tasks that are queued in the system to be treated when the server has the resources to do it, such as batch record modification and others. Get there: More Administration Jobs Note Only staff with the manage_background_jobs permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section. Managing jobs By default, when accessing the page, you will only see current jobs and jobs enqueued in the last hour. To see all jobs, uncheck the boxes at the top of the page. Current jobs only: uncheck this to include finished jobs Only include jobs enqueued in the last hour: uncheck this to include jobs ...
Administration; Background; Tasks; Queue; System; Resources; Batch; Modification; Records; Bibliographic; Authority; Items; Holds; Elasticsearch; Index; Realtimeholdsqueue; Staged; Marc; Import; Revert; Report; Messages