Search results

To search the OPAC you can either choose to enter your search words in the box at the top of the OPAC or click on the ‘Advanced search’ link to perform a more detailed search.

Library catalog search box at the top of the page in the OPAC; the links under the search bar are Advanced search, Authority search, Tag cloud, and Libraries. Also visible is the Koha logo at the top left, the cart and lists menus, the language switch, and the login and search history links

If Elasticsearch is used and the OpacBrowseSearch system preference is enabled, you will also see the Browse search option.


For more on searching check the Searching chapter in this manual.

Results overview

Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

After performing a search, the number of results found for the search will appear above the results.

By default, the search results are sorted based on the OPACdefaultSortField and OPACdefaultSortOrder system preference values. To change the sort order of these results, you can choose another sorting method from the drop-down menu on the right.

The sorting drop-down menu offers various options to sort the search results, such as relevance, popularity, author, call number, publication or copyright date, acquisition date, and title

Under each title in the results list, there will be a series of values from the record’s leader (field 000).

A single search result in the OPAC, visible is a checkbox on the left, some bibliographic information, the title being a link, availability of items, star ratings, place hold option, place recall option, save to lists option and add to cart option


These values have nothing to do with the item types or collection codes you have applied to your records or items. This data is all pulled from the record’s control fields.

This can be turned on or off with the DisplayOPACiconsXSLT system preference.

Below each title, there will be the availability for the items attached to the record.


Even if you filtered on one library location, all locations that hold the item will appear on the search results.


An item’s hold status does not affect whether or not the item is ‘available’ until the item is in ‘waiting’ status. Items with on-shelf holds will show as available until a staff member has pulled them from the shelf and checked the item in make it show ‘waiting’.

If any enhanced content system preferences are turned on, there may be cover images next to the search results.

If Did you mean? options are set, there will be a yellow bar across the top of your results will other related searches.


If you performed an advanced search you see an option to go back and edit your advanced search blow the list of results pages.


Filters (facets)

To filter your results click on the links below the ‘Refine your search’ menu on the left of your screen.

Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

After clicking a facet you can remove that filter from your results by clicking the small ‘x’ that appears to the right of the facet.

Close-up view of the facets, in the author facets, "Shakespeare, William" is not longer a clickable link and has a [x] next to it

See the section on search results facets for more details on facets.

You can add custom content below the facets with the OPACResultsSidebar display location in the HTML customizations tool.

Search RSS feeds

You will be able to subscribe to your search results as an RSS feed by clicking the RSS icon in your address bar or next to the number of results. To learn more about what RSS feeds are check out this tutorial video.

Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

Subscribing to search results as RSS feeds will allow you to see when a new item is added to the catalog in your area of interest.

FAQ Category
Search results To search the OPAC you can either choose to enter your search words in the box at the top of the OPAC or click on the ‘Advanced search’ link to perform a more detailed search. If Elasticsearch is used and the OpacBrowseSearch system preference is enabled, you will also see the Browse search option. Note For more on searching check the Searching chapter in this manual. Results overview After performing a search, the number of results found for the search will appear above the results. By default, the search results are sorted based on the OPACdefaultSortField and OPACdefaultSortOrder system preference values. To change the sort order of these results, you can ...
Elasticsearch; Advanced; Searching; Results; Manual; Leader; Fields; Xslt; Availability; Location; Waiting; Content; Facets; Rss; Feeds