Authority search
If the OpacAuthorities system preference is set to ‘Allow’, patrons will be able to search authority records from the OPAC.
The authority search is accessed by the ‘Authority search’ link under the search bar at the top of the page.
The search form allows patrons to search authorities by type and terms.
The results show the headings, the type of heading, and the number of bibliographic records this authority record is used in.
If the authority record contains notes, a ‘Notes’ link will appear under the heading.
Clicking on ‘Details’ will show the complete record.
Clicking on the number of records will do a catalog search for records linked to this authority record.
FAQ Category
Authority search If the OpacAuthorities system preference is set to ‘Allow’, patrons will be able to search authority records from the OPAC. The authority search is accessed by the ‘Authority search’ link under the search bar at the top of the page. The search form allows patrons to search authorities by type and terms. The results show the headings, the type of heading, and the number of bibliographic records this authority record is used in. If the authority record contains notes, a ‘Notes’ link will appear under the heading. Clicking on ‘Details’ will show the complete record. Clicking on the number of records will do a catalog search for records linked to this ...
Authority; Search; System; Preference; Patrons; Records; Heading; Notes; Details; Catalog