Placing holds

Patrons can place holds on items via the OPAC if they’re logged in and the OPACHoldRequests system preference is set to ‘Allow’. If the item can be placed on hold, the option to place it on hold will appear in several different places.

If the DisplayMultiPlaceHold system preference is enabled, when viewing a list or search results page there will be the option to place hold on multiple items by checking the boxes to the left of the results and clicking ‘Place hold’ at the top.

Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

When viewing a list or search results page you’ll see the option to place the item on hold below the basic information about the title.

A single search result in the OPAC, visible is a checkbox on the left, some bibliographic information, the title being a link, availability of items, star ratings, place hold option, place recall option, save to lists option and add to cart option

When viewing an individual title you’ll see the option to place a hold in the box on the right side of the screen

List of options: Place hold, Place recall, Print, Request article, Save to your lists, Add to your cart, Suggest for purchase, Report a concern, Unhighlight, Send to device, Save record, More searches

All of the above links will show the same hold screen.

Place hold confirmation screen on the OPAC. Shows the patron's name and cardnumber, the title and author of the item to be placed on hold, a dropdown menu to choose the pickup location, a link to show more options and a button 'Confirm hold'

The box to the left of the items to place on hold should be checked.

The title includes a link back to the detail page for the record.

Your priority: if the OPACShowHoldQueueDetails system preference is set to show the priority level, the priority, where in the holds queue this hold will fall, will be displayed.

Pickup location: if the OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch system preference is enabled, the patron can choose where they’d like to pick up their hold. The list of available pickup locations will include all libraries that have ‘Pickup location’ set to ‘Yes’ on the library configuration page.

Click ‘Show more options’ to show additional settings for this hold.

Place hold confirmation screen on the OPAC. Shows the patron's name and cardnumber, the title and author of the item to be placed on hold, a dropdown menu to choose the pickup location, a link to hide options, a date field 'Hold not needed after', an option to place the hold on the next available item or a specific item and a button 'Confirm hold'

Hold starts on date: if the OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture system preference is enabled, this field will be displayed and it allows the patron to have their hold start on a future date.

Hold not needed after: by default, holds placed in the system remain until canceled, but if the patron fills in this field, the hold will have an expiration date.


Expired holds are removed by the cronjob. This is not an automatic process and must be set up by the system administrator.

Request specific item type: if the AllowHoldItemTypeSelection system preference is set to ‘Allow’, this option will be displayed for the patron to choose to limit the hold to a specific item type.

Request specific item group: if the EnableItemGroupHolds system preference is set to ‘Enable’ and the record has item groups, the patron can choose to place a hold on the next available item of a group, rather than the next available item on the whole record or a specific item.

Hold notes: if the OpacHoldNotes system preference is enabled, patrons will be able to leave notes about their holds for the library.

Depending on the circulation rules regarding item-specific holds, the patron will be allowed to choose whether to place the hold on the next available item or a specific item.

Place hold confirmation screen on the OPAC. Shows the patron's name and cardnumber, the title and author of the item to be placed on hold, a dropdown menu to choose the pickup location, a link to hide options, a date field 'Hold not needed after', an option to place the hold on the next available item or a specific item, the specific item option is selected, and it is followed by a table of the record's items with the following columns: Copy number which contains the copy number as well as the selection box, Item type, Barcode, Home library, Last location, Collection, Call number, Notes and Information. At the botton of the page is a 'Confirm hold' button.

After clicking the ‘Confirm hold’ button, the patron will be brought to their account page where they’ll see all of the items they have on hold.

FAQ Category
Placing holds Patrons can place holds on items via the OPAC if they’re logged in and the OPACHoldRequests system preference is set to ‘Allow’. If the item can be placed on hold, the option to place it on hold will appear in several different places. If the DisplayMultiPlaceHold system preference is enabled, when viewing a list or search results page there will be the option to place hold on multiple items by checking the boxes to the left of the results and clicking ‘Place hold’ at the top. When viewing a list or search results page you’ll see the option to place the item on hold below the basic information about the title. When viewing an individual title you’ll see ...
Holds; Patrons; Library; Item; Record; Search; Results; Queue; Priority; Pickup; Location; Settings; Options; Expiration; Group; Notes; Circulation; Rules