Requesting recalls

If your library accepts recalls (see setting up recalls for more information), patrons will be able to place recalls on items.

The option to request a recall appears in various places in the OPAC:

In the results list after a search, the ‘Place recall’ option appears at the bottom of each recallable result.

A single search result in the OPAC, visible is a checkbox on the left, some bibliographic information, the title being a link, availability of items, star ratings, place hold option, place recall option, save to lists option and add to cart option

In the detailed record. the ‘Place recall’ option appears on the right side of the screen (or bottom in mobile view) in the options

List of options: Place hold, Place recall, Print, Request article, Save to your lists, Add to your cart, Suggest for purchase, Report a concern, Unhighlight, Send to device, Save record, More searches

Either of those links will lead to the recall form.

The form to request a recall in the OPAC

Pick up location: the patron can choose where they’d like to pick up their recalled item.

Recall not needed after: if the patron not need this item after a certain date, they can enter it here. The recall will be automatically expired (with the cronjob) after that date.

Recall next available item or Recall a specific item: the patron can choose to recall any item or a specific one. If they choose ‘Recall a specific item’, they will be asked to select the item in the list.

Once the patron confirms their recall request, they will have get a message saying the the patron who currently has the item will be notified.


The notice sent to the patron who currently has the item is RETURN_RECALLED_ITEM. It can be edited in the Notices and slips tool.

The request will be added to the recalls tab in their account summary, as well as in their recall history list.

FAQ Category
Requesting recalls If your library accepts recalls (see setting up recalls for more information), patrons will be able to place recalls on items. The option to request a recall appears in various places in the OPAC: In the results list after a search, the ‘Place recall’ option appears at the bottom of each recallable result. In the detailed record. the ‘Place recall’ option appears on the right side of the screen (or bottom in mobile view) in the options Either of those links will lead to the recall form. Pick up location: the patron can choose where they’d like to pick up their recalled item. Recall not needed after: if the patron not need this item after a certain ...
Recalls; Requesting; Setting; Patrons; Search; Results; Detailed; Record; Options; Location; Expiration; Cronjob; Notice; Slips; Account; Summary; History