Enhanced content Tagging

Depending on the settings for the TagsEnabled, TagsInputOnList and TagsInputOnDetail system preferences, patrons may be able to add tags to bibliographic records from the search results and/or from the bibliographic records’ detail page.

If you are allowing patrons to add tags from the search results list (see TagsInputOnDetail), patron will see an ‘Add tag’ button below each result and a ‘Tag’ option at the top of the screen.

Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

To add a tag to one item, click ‘Add tag’, type the tag or tags (separated by commas) in the ‘New tag’ box and click ‘Add’. You will be presented with a confirmation of your tags being added.

A single search result in the OPAC, under the 'Add tag' button is an input box 'New tag(s), separated by a comma' with and 'Add' button and a '(done)' link

From the results you can also tag items in bulk by clicking the checkboxes on the left and then clicking the ‘Tag’ button at the top. After clicking the button it will change into an input box for you to add tags to all of the items you have selected.

List of search results on the OPAC, several titles are selected, the 'Tag' button at the top has been replaced by an input box name 'New tag' with and 'Add' button and a '(done)' link

If the TagsInputOnDetail system preference is enabled, patrons will also have the possibility to add tags from a list and from the cart.

If the TagsInputOnDetail system preference is enabled, patrons will have the possibility of adding tags from the record detail page by clicking the ‘Add tag(s)’ link. The link will be replaced by an input box.

Bibliographic record details page in the OPAC, the 'Add tag(s)' link has been replaced by an input field name 'New tag(s), separated by a comma', inside the input field on the right is a smiling face emoji (emoji picker), followed 'Add' button and a '(done)' link

Emojis can also be included using the emoji picker when adding tags from the record detail page.

The smiling face emoji in the input box is activated and a list of emojis is open underneath


Patrons can leave comments in the OPAC if you have the OPACComments preference set to allow this. Each bibliographic record has a comments tab below the bibliographic information.


If the patron is logged in they will see a link to add a comment to the item. Clicking this link will open a pop up window with a box for their comments.


Once the comment has been typed and the ‘Submit’ button clicked, the patron will see their comment as pending and other patrons will simply see that there are no comments on the item.


Once the comment is approved the patron will see the number of comments on the ‘Comments’ tab and their comment labeled amongst the other comments. If the ShowReviewerPhoto system preference is set to ‘Show’, the patron’s photo pulled from the Libravatar library will be displayed next to their comment.

The 'Comment' tab in the OPAC, show Your comment, the date of the comment, the comment itself, with an 'Edit' link and the patron's avatar

Other patrons will see the comment with the name of the patron who left the comment (unless you have set the ShowReviewer preference to not show patron names).


If you have your OpacShowRecentComments set to show then you’ll see the approved comments on that page.


From this page patrons can subscribe to the recent comments using RSS if they would like.


Zotero is a Firefox add on that allows for the saving and generating of a bibliography. Learn more about and download Zotero at http://zotero.org.

When on the search results in the Koha OPAC, if you have Zotero installed, you will see a folder icon in the address bar to the right of the URL. Clicking that folder will open up a list of titles on the page for you to pick from to add to Zotero.


Select the titles you want to add to Zotero and then click the ‘OK’ button. This will add the title to Zotero. You can see the title by opening your Zotero library.


Custom RSS feeds

Using the RSS feeds cron job you can generate an RSS feed for any SQL query (for example a new acquisitions RSS feed). The cron job is run on the command line to produce an RSS XML document.

The output should be placed in a directory accessible to the OPAC (or staff) web interface so that users can download the RSS feed.

An example of usage can be found at: misc/cronjobs/rss.pl lastAcquired.conf

Normally the RSS cron job should be run periodically (e.g., daily) to keep the feed up-to-date.

The configuration file (e.g., lastAcquired.conf) lists

name of the template file to use

path of output file

SQL query

The RSS cron job runs the SQL query, then feeds the output of the query through the template to produce the output file.


To use custom RSS feeds you need to turn on the RSS cron job.

FAQ Category
Enhanced content Tagging Depending on the settings for the TagsEnabled, TagsInputOnList and TagsInputOnDetail system preferences, patrons may be able to add tags to bibliographic records from the search results and/or from the bibliographic records’ detail page. If you are allowing patrons to add tags from the search results list (see TagsInputOnDetail), patron will see an ‘Add tag’ button below each result and a ‘Tag’ option at the top of the screen. To add a tag to one item, click ‘Add tag’, type the tag or tags (separated by commas) in the ‘New tag’ box and click ‘Add’. You will be presented with a confirmation of your tags being added. From the results you ...
Tagging; Enhanced; Content; Bibliographic; Records; Search; Results; Patron; Tags; Comments; Zotero; Firefox; Bibliography; Rss; Feeds; Sql; Query; Template