
The ‘Libraries’ page shows the contact information (address lines, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone number, fax number, website) for libraries in the system that are set as ‘Public’.

Libraries page in the opac

The library name is a link to a specific page for this library. This second page also includes ‘OpacLibraryInfo’ HTML customizations for this library.

Library-specific page for a Test library, showing the address lines, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone, fax, website, and OpacLibraryInfo HTML customization

FAQ Category
Libraries The ‘Libraries’ page shows the contact information (address lines, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone number, fax number, website) for libraries in the system that are set as ‘Public’. The library name is a link to a specific page for this library. This second page also includes ‘OpacLibraryInfo’ HTML customizations for this library. ...
Libraries; Public; Contact; Information; Address; State; Postal; Country; Phone; Number; Fax; Website; Library; Opaclibraryinfo; Customizations