The ‘Libraries’ page shows the contact information (address lines, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone number, fax number, website) for libraries in the system that are set as ‘Public’.
The library name is a link to a specific page for this library. This second page also includes ‘OpacLibraryInfo’ HTML customizations for this library.
FAQ Category
Libraries The ‘Libraries’ page shows the contact information (address lines, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone number, fax number, website) for libraries in the system that are set as ‘Public’. The library name is a link to a specific page for this library. This second page also includes ‘OpacLibraryInfo’ HTML customizations for this library. ...
Libraries; Public; Contact; Information; Address; State; Postal; Country; Phone; Number; Fax; Website; Library; Opaclibraryinfo; Customizations