Reporting problems
If the OPACReportProblem system preference is enabled, patrons will have the option to report problems on the OPAC (broken links or inaccurate information for example).
At the bottom of each page is a ‘Report a problem’ link.
When the patron clicks on the link, they are brought to a form where they can specify what exactly is the problem.
The problem report is sent to the Koha administrator by email (to the address in KohaAdminEmailAddress), and will appear in the OPAC problem reports tool. If the library has an email address, the patron will have the choice to either send the problem report to the library or to the administrator.
The notice sent by email is customizable in the Notices and slips tool. The letter code is PROBLEM_REPORT.
FAQ Category
Reporting problems If the OPACReportProblem system preference is enabled, patrons will have the option to report problems on the OPAC (broken links or inaccurate information for example). At the bottom of each page is a ‘Report a problem’ link. When the patron clicks on the link, they are brought to a form where they can specify what exactly is the problem. The problem report is sent to the Koha administrator by email (to the address in KohaAdminEmailAddress), and will appear in the OPAC problem reports tool. If the library has an email address, the patron will have the choice to either send the problem report to the library or to the administrator. Note The notice sent by email is ...
Reporting; Problems; System; Patron; Links; Inaccurate; Information; Administrator; Email; Address; Library; Choice; Notice