OPAC self checkout


This feature was added in Koha version 23.11.

In addition to the self checkout module, there is a lighter weight option for libraries with smaller, trusted communities. With this option, patrons are allowed to check out items to themselves through their OPAC account with no oversight from library staff. This self checkout feature can be used on any computer or device with access to the OPAC, as opposed to the self checkout module which is meant to be used on dedicated computers.

Once the OpacTrustedCheckout system preference is enabled, logged in patrons will see a ‘Self checkout’ option at the top of the page in the OPAC.

The top of the page in the OPAC, once the patron is logged in. Next to the Koha logo, there are the 'Cart' and 'Lists' options, followed by 'Self checkout'.

Clicking on the ‘Self checkout’ link will open a pop-up where the patron can enter the item’s barcode and click ‘Submit’ or press the enter key.

Self checkout pop-up, with the prompt 'Enter item barcode' and a text input field. Buttons are 'Submit' and 'Close'.

Once the item’s barcode has been entered, a confirmation message appears at the top of the pop-up and the item’s barcode, title, call number and due date are listed at the bottom. The patron has the option to scan or enter another barcode.

Self checkout pop-up, saying "Item was checked out with the item's barcode", the 'Enter item barcode' input field is still available, and underneath is a table with the checked out item's barcode, title, call number and due date. Under the table, it says '1 items checked out'. Buttons are 'Submit' and 'Close'.

To renew the checkout, the patron only has to check out again (or renew from their summary).

Self checkout pop-up, saying 'Item will be renewed'. Buttons are 'Confirm' and 'Close'.

If an item is already checked out to another patron, a message will say so.

Self checkout pop-up, saying 'This item appears to be checked out to another patron, please return it to the desk'.

Checkout will also be blocked if:

the barcode is not found;

the item is on hold for another patron;

the patron’s outstanding charges are over the limit;

the patron already has the maximum amount of checkouts;

the patron does not have the required age to checkout the item;

the item cannot be checked out because of a not for loan or withdrawn status.

Built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs.

FAQ Category
OPAC self checkout Version This feature was added in Koha version 23.11. In addition to the self checkout module, there is a lighter weight option for libraries with smaller, trusted communities. With this option, patrons are allowed to check out items to themselves through their OPAC account with no oversight from library staff. This self checkout feature can be used on any computer or device with access to the OPAC, as opposed to the self checkout module which is meant to be used on dedicated computers. Once the OpacTrustedCheckout system preference is enabled, logged in patrons will see a ‘Self checkout’ option at the top of the page in the OPAC. Clicking on the ‘Self ...
Checkout; Version; Libraries; Patrons; Staff; Computers; Devices; Barcode; Item; Title; Number; Due; Renewal; Outstanding; Charges; Limit; Loan; Withdrawn; Status